Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 June 2022


I hope everyone has a safe, healthy, fulfilling week. Take care of yourselves.

  • Heather: I hope your brother's operation went well and he'll have the best possible recovery.

  • Thanks to everyone for kind thoughts of my brother. He is apparently pale and tired and hooked up to many things. As one would expect. They should find out today about what was done and what was found. He may be 73 but to me, he's still my little brother !
  • Good Morning. Another grey start here. Housework beckons, such fun!!

    Heather, hope your brother recovers well.
  • Most annoying. I checked that I was signed in, typed a long post and then was told I wasn’t signed in!!!! Argg!!! I will try again.
    Heather - you will be relieved that your brother came through his operation. It must have been a very long day for you yesterday. I hope the reports he gets today are encouraging.
    OG - I hope you get your family outing on Friday. The weather forecast is somewhat unreliable I have found. We were supposed to have rain from Tuesday onwards but, apart from a couple of showers, it never materialised.
    I spent a long time yesterday trying to organise things for an upcoming meeting. It involved transporting equipment around and then making several phone calls. Everything seems to be in place now hopefully.
    I am going for a gentle stroll round a local nature reserve this morning with a small group. A little birdwatching may be involved!!!! We also look at the plants and, hopefully, butterflies. There is a pleasant cafe too!!!
  • Heather: Just caught on that your bro had an operation? Let us know what transpires re the findings.

    Meanwhile, my sister seems to have rallied and now nobody knows what to expect. My Bil is working on getting her moved nearer and niece is heading back to her home in Newport Pagnell for a couple of days to pick up her dog (she has a large group of wonderful friends with dogs who are always helping each other out), sort a few things out and then come back up here. I'm beginning to think about heading back to the US in about a week because daughter has to travel from Arizona to see all her new California doctors and appointments are set so far in advance we hate to cancel. All very complicated with way too many moving parts.

    Lindybird: Have you resolved the golf vs flowers dilemma?

    Take care everyone.
  • Annette, sorry to hear how complicated your life has now become. I hope resolutions can be found, and that your sister improves enough for you to feel you can leave, at least for now. {{HUGS}} Do take care of yourself, also.
  • Annette - it is good news that your sister has rallied but it does put you in a dilemma doesn’t it? It sounds as if you need to head home because of the arrangements for your daughter. I do hope you have been able to spend some quality time with your sister. Thinking of you and hoping you can make the decisions you feel are right for you and everyone else concerned.
    Heather - any news about your brother today? I have been thinking of you.
    Well, at last we have had some useful rain here. Fortunately it didn’t come until this afternoon which was after our very pleasant walk. We saw lots of baby birds. We also saw swifts and heard skylarks.
    Amazingly for me, my check up at the dentists went well and no work is required!!!!!!
  • I see you've had a good day, Rusty! I do love to hear a skylark. No probs at the dentist's is always good news!

    It's been showery here. I began the day with lots of good intentions, but by lunchtime had been on the phone for over an hour and a half so lost the momentum. Ho hum.

    My OH and I have had other discussions on our minds, so the problem about the Tatton outing has not come up, although obviously we will have to get to grips with it. My OH usually assists me when we're out as I'm not too good on my feet nowadays, and Sue has had a lot of problems with her hip lately, so she has mobility problems too. It could be a case of "who is looking after who?"

    I will hold fire on the decision of what to do.

  • Today's quotes:

    My memory is very good: I can make the same mistakes today that I made 50 years ago. Simon Rothschild.

    Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been. Mark Twain.