Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 June 2022


I hope everyone has a safe, healthy, fulfilling week. Take care of yourselves.

  • LINDY - so sorry about the ticket mix up. I'm thinking along the same lines as ANNETTE.
    AQ - glad that your OH listened this time ! Does he still go out for lunch as before ?
    My brother is having his operation this morning. Can't stop thinking about him.
  • Lindybird: I had the same thought about taking Sue to Tatton and let your OH golf!
  • I have been pondering on a solution. Sue would love to go, I'm sure. But I have to be certain before I extend an invite!
    Since I told him about it, we have not discussed our options at all. Ironically, I often berate him for not looking at the calendar, which I fill in faithfully! <sigh>
  • Today's quotes:

    "I'm not a magician. I can't make you young again." Konrad Adenauer's physician, when treating him for a cold when Adenauer was 90 years old.

    "I haven't asked you to. All I want is to go on getting older." Konrad Adenauer.

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    They who would be young when they are old, must act old when they are young. Proverb.

  • Heather-- Thinking of both you and your brother, today.
  • Missed yesterday - all woke late - me first - so the whole day shifted late, but most things fited in.

    Had podiatrist here this morning. J went out for breakfast - to celebrate his birthday. Forecast for our postpoened trip Friday is not looking so good now - but there is time for it to change again!

    LINDA - sorry about the Tatton dilemma - I too thought you might take someone else since your OH will be out enjoying what he does.

    HEATHER - thoughts for your brother and for you as you await news.

    ANNETTE - thoughts and prayers continue.
  • OG -- Happy birthday to J. Did you also have a special meal for him tonight?

    We've had a mixed day, but at least I took some more things off the To Do List. Then we watched the tennis.
  • HEATHER – Thinking of you & wishing your brother well.

    ANNETTE – Thinking of you & your sister.

    LINDA – Do talk to your OH about him golfing while you & someone else go to Tatton. Unless he actually prefers flowers to golf?

    I intended to watch the tennis last night but they were showing that foul Aussie who should be banned until he learns to control himself. So I finished another book! I ordered 2 books from another library (inter-library loan); both available on shelf at the time. Due to the curious courier system, one arrived at my library last Sat, the other yesterday. I have 7 days to pick up, so I shall collect both, um, today? Tomorrow?

    Forecast – showers clearing. No sign of any rain and I have a load of washing on.

  • Just a thought

    Facebook is a lot like ancient Egypt – people writing on walls and worshipping cats.

  • HEATHER – Sorry, I forgot to answer you. OH goes out to lunch perhaps every second week. He went last Friday, to the same place, chooses same food, no longer adventurous. He is thinking about today. . .  or maybe tomorrow. It’s only 8.30 am here; much too early to decide LOL.