All quiet on the Osprey front. Mistle started gently food soliciting, then quiet, then stood up to reveal.........

,, what appeared to be a half eaten rainbow trout! No doubt Scylla will be able to get a much sharper image than me. All this happened about 5:45.  It was as stiff as a board. When was that delivered?

Afrer faffing around getting images 1 of them has come back to the nest and is incubating - can't tell which. 

Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Just logged on.

    Mistle incubating, Axel just returned with chirps (rather than chips) and he's mantling ???

    EDIT - now chipping and now flown off.

    Mistle seems cool.

  • Axel was incubating at the time. Mistle back quickly to the nest after hearing alarm calls. Axel leaves ?to pursue intruder? 9:51 Mistle still incubating, Axel back to the nest - intruder still about as Axel alarm calling. 9:51 Axel leaves.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • 9:55 Axel back with a stick. 9:56 Axel alarm calling again leaves the nest.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • 07 June

    I'm intruding with:

    (1) Axel kindly moved an intruding stick:


    and a leisurely vid of the changeovers late last evening and Mistle maybe listening to the eggs:

  • I had to edit above post - to give Axel his due ;)
  • 12:10 Mistle food soliciting. Axel MUST be about. Plenty of time for a successful foraging trip........ we shall see....... will it be a stick or fish delivery? My money is on fish.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  •  12:14 Jackpot! A 40 minute headless RT.

    Tired of saying click on it - it gets clearer, but it does! More lessons required!

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • 12:27 Mistle returns with c. half a fish and eats while Axel continues to incubate. 12:30 she leaves the nest.. with the fish.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • 12:51 Mistle returns to the nest fishless. 3 minutes early. DRAT!

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • CRinger said:

    Tired of saying click on it - it gets clearer, but it does! More lessons required!

    Something I could not do witht the ipad but can with the new tablet, is change your settings when watching live. See the wee wheel at the bottom right beside the youtube, click that and you get options for quality and settings, if you click quality you can change to different settings for a clearer picture. Sometimes the auto which is set, is not clear enough, this may help you. 

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.