All quiet on the Osprey front. Mistle started gently food soliciting, then quiet, then stood up to reveal.........

,, what appeared to be a half eaten rainbow trout! No doubt Scylla will be able to get a much sharper image than me. All this happened about 5:45.  It was as stiff as a board. When was that delivered?

Afrer faffing around getting images 1 of them has come back to the nest and is incubating - can't tell which. 

Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Fish @ 19:29?
    I put a question mark as various posters on the LG live chat are commenting on other nests e.g.. Loch Achraig, LOTL, Manton Bay and seem to think others will relaise which nest they are referring to.
    Could have been an evening fish at the nest at the Aitken basin on the moon for all I know.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • I agree also that the two chicks will have a better chance, rather than 3 and being new parents, they will cope better with feeding 2, especially if the wind and rain continues and Axel has trouble fishing. What a wee bully one was this afternoon! Lots of fish today, what a great dad and mum.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • CRinger said:
    Fish @ 19:29?

    Snapped on previous page, CRINGER :)))

    Im packing up again - too hot, but these frequent packups seem to be beneficial.


  • Been out most the day, picking strawberries, checking on my local osprey who have at least two chicks, about 3 weeks out, and looking for other birds. As windy here as in LG, so the local male also brought in a tiddler or maybe it was a tail end that didn't last long.

    Very happy with both the imperious Mistle and the industrious Axel, though they are an eccentric pair! Satisfied with no more than two chicks, and I'd hate to have #3 hatch and die.

    CRinger, I've just poured a G&T, virtual clinks!

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Amazingly light at 22.34!

    (c) RSPB Loch Garten

  • I've just seen that Korky, beautiful. Hopefully a lot cooler than down south. Last night was bad enough, but tonight will be worse.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • SheilaFE said:
    Hopefully a lot cooler than down south.

    Yes, a bit too cool for me and a lot of rain!  I'm hoping for a bit of warmth tomorrow although it won't be as hot as England

  • Unknown said:
    imperious Mistle


  • My internet went down @ 05:30 - came back with router reboot but what a darn nuisance.

    17th evening

    I haven't edited these vids.


    She had a double flyabout and sorted the forked stick on second return (she'd brought a shortish stick) and made a mess of it - then, and I told you she was hungry, she found dried out fishtail and managed to get a teeny bit of meat out of it, one chick was begging, she may have given it a minuscule bite?

    (I hope the other chick is OK, it was lying down.)


  • 18 June

    When Mistle had a flyabout 03:35, only one Osplet got up - just for the record!