Worldwide Osprey behavioural questions

I posted this on the LG Osprey thread but don't thnink this is appropriate and can't find another so sorry, haved started a new thread................

Question: Why did we see, particularly in the 1990's, different reactions from the resident pair of Ospreys to intruding Ospreys:

1, Alarm call and defending of the nest to chasing the intruder away.
2, No alarm call but an adult circling peacefully with the intruder until both disappeared.

A possible explanation is that in 2 the intruder was recognised as a chick from the nest frpm a previous year (probably male as they tend to return much closer to their natal nests to prevent in-breeding, rather than females than tend to disperse longer distances) BUT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, when they fledged from the nest they were in juvenile plumage............. having returned at least 2 years later they would look - TO US ............. much more different!

Explanations for this beaviour VERY welcome!

Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that.