LOCH GARTEN - May 2022

AX6 Axel and his lovely unringed partner Mistle are bonding well, and Mistle has been threatening to lay an egg - we await developments.

It seems that Mistle has been on the perch & nest all night:

  • What a lovely capture, Scylla!
    OH is insisting on watching something I don't want to... how convenient!!
    Just before 19.23Axel landed on top of the dead tree on the right. It is raining, and Mistle looks soaking wet. She was quiet to begin with, just broke out into sporadic calls.
    19.30 Axel dived down in a swoop behind the nest, and disappeared. Although she is wet I think the rain has stopped.
    20.04 Mistle was up and checking the eggs, getting her beak into the bedding, and got her feathers tied up with the upright spike, before she settled again.
    20.14 Another shower.
    That's me for today. There is still time for a fish. The wind has eased, just need the rain to stop to make life easier for fishing.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Well, I doubt she'll get any more fish today. I know she doesn't need much while she's incubating but I really hope Axel steps up his game once the chicks are here
  • 27 May

    Thank you once again, SHEILA.

    I've had big internet problems and don't have anything to add except there wasn't a fish up to about 22:00 last night.

    Out of commission until further notice, got to do some repair work Tired face

  • No fish yet, but Axel is incubating and yelling and Mistle is yelling off camera. Go figure!

  • She's back on the eggs, yelling, he's faffing with sticks
  • Gosh, where is everyone today?

    15.42 fish. Bit of a tiddler. I left the time showing at the bottom


    (c) RSPB Loch Garten

  • I've just been doing a catch up, Korky! You've beaten me to it.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 10.35        After over an hour settled on the eggs, it was time for a stretch and a flap

     10.37        Settled again

     12.25        She stood in the cup, checking the eggs, and burying her beak in the bedding.  She called briefly and settled.

     15.01         Another checking of the eggs and a stretch of her legs before setting with her back to us, catching her tail on the upright spike.  That wasn't comfortable so she got up again and settled facing to the left.                                      

     15.41.10     Mistle started to call.  The wind was suddenly got up.

     15.42.53     #1 FISH  it looks like a brown trout

     15.43.04     Mistle left with the fish, carrying it in her beak!

                        Axel viewed the scenery before stepping down to the cup , moving a stick or two on his way.

     15.54         Mistle returned with a stick!  Fish downed quickly or dropped?  She was asking for seconds quite quickly.  Axel stayed put as she called.

     15.56         Mistle departed heading to the left.

     16.02.46    Mistle returned with something in her talons.  She calls and prowls around on the back of the nest.  He stays put. And shuts his eyes.

     16.07.53    Mistle gives up and flies away.  Axel looks very calm!

     16.10          Mistle returns with an awkward stick which she puts to the left of the perch, and moves what looks like bark.

                        She then moves the stick to the right of the perch, all the while calling.  Axel stays put again!

     16.14.11      Mistle flew once more.

     16.26           Mistle returned with a bundle of dried grass stuck to dried mud or peat, and this time Axel called.  Mistle joined in as she tried to tear the peat and grass apart.  Still, Axel stays put.

     16.28          She tries to move a large stick at the back, left of the nest, nattering away, while she moves other smaller sticks and twigs.

     16.32.51     Mistle gives up and flies off, but she hasn't actually made any attempts to make him move, yet.

    16.56    Axel is still incubating.


    TIGER  -  CRinger  asked you a question on Chat at 14.20 - it's a bit confusing, but I think he might be referring to the excellent blog that Poole did recently where the early days of LG were mentioned.  There might have been more discussion earlier, but it didn't go back that far for me.

    14:20  Tiger Mozone   @Andy Simkins There was a query which I hoped you might be able to sort out.    In their blog about Poole they cited a chick from the 1993 nest. Now that was the year Ollie brought the chicks up by himself.   The thing is that there were only two chicks in 1993 and the blog said three

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 17.00 Mistle returned and immediately started calling.  This time I think she means business.  She picked up a stick and something fell off it onto Axel.  Walking and calling to Axel's head side of the nest, yelling in his ear.  Suddenly she stopped calling as she watching something off the nest.

    17.03 she flews off again - I think she landed on 'Odin's perch' just seen to the right of the tower cam.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 17.13 Mistle could be heard and a few seconds later she landed. Axel was ready to relinquish his duties and was up straight away. He flew off. Mistle told him to go fishing before settling down to incubate.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/