LOCH GARTEN - May 2022

AX6 Axel and his lovely unringed partner Mistle are bonding well, and Mistle has been threatening to lay an egg - we await developments.

It seems that Mistle has been on the perch & nest all night:

  • I've got some clips of the second phase - only one flyover by intruder so far, and Mistle was chpping ad infinitum flattish in the nestcup, eventually flew... is now on the perch and it's very windy.

    Thing is, I am so knackered I have to pack up, I shall leave my heart with Mistle and hope she's had some relief and company when I return.
  • I think the intruder has been around a while. I haven't caught up yet but in line with Scylla's clips
    08.05 Mistle started calling
    Then flew to the dead spikey tree to the right of the tower.
    08.26 She returned to the nest – an intruder around to the right. She mantled
    08.27 Intruder flew over the nest, then returned and landed on the cam. P
    08.29 Intruder took from from cam, and flew around the nest, landed on the old nest.
    08.30 Mistle intruder calls and continues to mantle, looking intently over the back of the nsst
    08.31 More calling, but I can't see the intruder.
    08.31 She flies off to the left and can be heard intruder chipping. Out of sight.
    08.32 Osprey appears from the right flying over the bog to the top of the dead tree on the right. I assume it is Mistle – intruder chipping heard again, but whether it is from the bird on the tee or Mistle off cam I am unsure.

    I will continue going thru the recording.

    Karen: lovely to see you here. Yes, Moffer has been much missed since the demise of EJ and Odin, but even more so now. She was a treasure on the LG threads.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • continued...
    08.33 Osprey on the dead tee flew off into the distance. ENS
    08.43 Mistle appeared over the back of th nest, chipping and looking around. Mantling and intruder calling.
    08.44 Calls get louder, osprey seen in the skies above and appears an attempted landing.
    08.45 Mistle gives her croaking call as the intruder flies low over the nest from the far side. She is low in the nest as she calls.
    08.47 Intruder seen on the horizon. Passed behind the dead tree on the left – possibly landed?, Mistle continues to call, but stays low in the cup.
    08.53 Off nest intruder call!! Mistle sits up looking around and chips back.
    08.55 Still chipping, sometimes loudly. I haven't seen the intruder, but I assume she can.
    09.00 It's raining slightly which is distracting. I can only assume the intruder is on the dead tree, out of our sight. Her calls get more vocal as she watches to the left.
    09.04 Intruder calls again, from off the nest! She takes notice
    More calls off nest. Mistle is getting more anxious.
    09.05 A gaggle of geese is heard but not seen (at least by me!).

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • cont..
    09.07 More off nest calls. Mistle gets up and calls back as she mantles.
    This is an interesting interaction. Would the off nest bird be male or female? Or either? Perhaps CRinger might give an opinion. I'm not sure I've seen in at LG (or any nest) before! The intruder hasn't actually attacked the nest. The only time we've see anything was 08.27 when it flew over the nest.
    09.16 All is much quieter. Mistle is settled in the cup.
    09.28 Mistle is alert again, and calls, as she looks around. Intruder must be flying around the area rather than near the nest. She remains in the cup and doesn't mantle. Another loud call as she watches with her huge eyes glaring as something.
    09.31 She continues to call
    09.31 She gets up, and flies off with intent behind the cam.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I'm starting to feel sorry for Mistle.
  • I am too JaneV, but I feel she must be eating something, from someone. She is rarely away from the nest for long, yet doesn't have a hollow chest. In fact she is looking really great. Sadly, I've given up on Axel now, which is so sad. But at least she has made LG her domain and we can only hope a valiant male will drop in to woo her soon.  On the other hand, are the intruders keeping Axel away?  Who knows.

    There has been nothing further of note to report. She was away from the nest until 09.38 after an eight minute break. She flew up from the back of the nest and landed on the perch where she remained until 10.44. She has been on the nest, initially nest cupping and checking the soft furnishings before lying down. There she remains.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Aw poor, poor mistle, I am so sad for her. She is a lovely Osprey and so is Axel, he was so busy at the start and they were cosying up at the weekend, I really though an egg was on its way and now this. Where is that lad, he must have another next, otherwise why would he not be here more, with or witnout fish.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • 12.03 she has started to fish solicit. Is one in the offing?

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • It must be Axel. He landed on Odin's perch to the right of the tower.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 12.29 She is still calling, loudly. Axel? is still on Odin's perch. Let's face it she wouldn't be fish soliciting if it was an intruder :)

    I can see had movement as tho he is eating a fish.

    12.35 her calls are a real ear bashing!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/