Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 April 2022


I hope everyone who is celebrating a holiday and/or visiting with family this weekend has a wonderful, meaningful time.

Sorry I haven’t posted replies this week. I’m up to my ears in paperwork (figuring taxes, arguing with an insurance company, etc.). Sigh.

Take care all and stay safe.

  • Wow, a first for us. OH drove off our drive this morning and happened to glance over his shoulder. He came to a halt and checked again, think I have seen a kestrel, he said. It was in fact a sparrow hawk perched on the railings of our side garden. We drove up to it and it stayed for maybe 10 seconds allowing us to see its beauty. Do hope we see it again.
  • PAT - I had to laugh at your windscreen wipers remark!!!

    DIBNLIB - I too hope the sparrowhawk comes back for you although it won’t be good news for your small birds.

    I have been to some lovely Botanic Gardens this afternoon. They were looking gorgeous in the sunshine.

  • Morning all:  Got home in surprisingly good time in spite of yet another 'not-my-normal-route' detour courtesy of the Waze app. Didn't drop much below 75mph the whole way. The wind was really fierce coming through the San Gorgonio Pass (formed by the San Andreas earthquake fault) into the LA basin, which is why there's a huge wind farm there.

    Rusty:  It's just about 500 miles, door-to-door.  I have podcasts, Pandora and all the National Public Radio stations along the route set on my car, so there's plenty to keep me occupied and awake.  Also travel with a small cooler full of snacks on the passenger seat.  :-)    Lovely photo of the Botanic Garden!

    PatO:  Also smiled at your windshield wiper comment.  Sounds like Heather's dishwasher breakdown.  

    Pile of laundry is sitting on the floor in front of the washer; should probably do something about it....

  • OG typing with E-E here beside me at the hospital. Yes - I am still here!

    Thanks for all the lovely thought, wishes and prayers. Nothing broken, just a badly bruised foot (tendons) but they want to watch me and provide physio in a further attempt to get me walking. I was only getting out of bed, following all instructions and with the zimmer, but every part of my legs folded, with one foot taking all my weight. Physios are being very encouraging, as is orthopaedic consultant a different one but had seen her before. No idea yet when I might get home.

    Have read all this week's posts (but didn't catch up with last week). Will not attempt replies as not comfortable sitting here. Best wishes to all.
  • OG Great to see you!! Hope you get home soon! And thanks to EE for his support (techy and otherwise).
  • OG-SO glad you are feeling better and hopefully, getting some help.
  • So good to hear from OG. Hopefully soon home again. Glad there's not too much damage done.

    Annette, that's such a long way. You must be tired afterwards. Your OH must be glad to see you back again.

    Dibnlib; A sparrowhawk is so, well, wild looking up close.

    I spent a long while in the dentists chair but he is so good at his job and so unfailingly cheerful, it does help. I now have to go back to have two crowns fitted on 5th May which doesn't sound too far off, thank goodness. Not thinking yet, about the size of his bill!!! Will have to pay up and be grateful he can do it.

    Whilst in the chair I reminded myself about a relative of a relative, who is facing a complete mastectomy of one breast tomorrow after finding a lump in her breast only a couple of weeks ago. She is not young and was surprised as of course we all think it only happens to younger women. At least it was discovered in time for treatment.

  • Rusty, I love Botanic Gardens. You were lucky to be able to see them in the good weather we're having.

    Heather, I hope the dishwasher man turned up.

    So pleased to see that HM the Queen has had a lovely, peaceful birthday doing what she enjoys best. She was at Sandringham, a favourite place for her and P Philip. It must be nicer than one of those draughty castles!

  • wow dibnlib what a treat. Hope you do see it again, probably means its hunting in the vicinity.

    Rusty - the gardens look lovely, everything coming out in the springtime fresh and green.

    Annette - what a round trip - pleased to see that you are safely home despite the detour.

    OG - lovely to hear from you and that you are making progress. Hope it won't be too long before they let
    you home. All the best and to EE as well.
  • OG - Pleased to hear from you and best wishes to YOU!

    HEATHER – My dishwasher would like to go on strike. It is me!

    LINDA – Be careful of those temp crowns until 5 May. I had my new one fitted this morn. I thought my dental work over until perhaps next year. But no, dentist says he is concerned about another tooth. He could patch it this year & replace with a crown next year to get maximum benefit from health fund. I have opted for “do it sooner”; it’s only money that hasn’t been spent on bus trips for past 2+ years <sigh>. “Sooner” is June. Something to look forward to, not.