Weekly Chat, Sunday December 12, 2010

Will catch up later, but see the last page of yesterday's chat for updates from folks - including the last one from Diane!

  • Good Morning ALL. Dry and cold here this morning. It was still snowing when we went to bed but  only a thin coating on the grass this morning and the road looks dry. Saturday looks as if it is going to be our worse day with heavy snow forecast.

    I had a good laugh at the flock of wheely bins. A very rare sighting.

    Annette, I know how you feel about your lost long post. I had nearly completed a reply last night when I answered a long phone call, only to find that Windows had completed an update and then decided to do a restart and so I lost my unposted reply. So annoying.

    Dibnlib, I arrived at the haidressers yesterday to find that they had been trying to ring me ( I had left my mobile at home) as my haidresser was having to go home as she was ill. They had changed me to another hairdresser but it did sound as if the receptionist was having a hard time on the phone with some customers. As she said, the biggest complainers were not their regular clients and therefore didn't know the different hairdressers. Anyhow, I got my hair done and I think I prefer the girl who did it yesterday, which is going to be embarrassing for my next appointment.  

    AQ, I am never sure when we should print our answers to your brain teasers. Anyhow I think I know the answers and at least you know, we are doing them and they are good fun.

    OG, Sorry you are feeling unwell. You have been so busy and then the upheaval of fitting the solar panels and you must be worried about your son. I hope the doctor sorts out the correct treatment for him.

    Alan, I hope Hamish receives the 'all clear' today. 

    Linda, Thanks for your sunny picture. I wish it looked like that outside this morning.

    I guess I should do some ironing, but not very enthusiastic.



  • Update on roadworks - they just came and "painted" a very artistic "20" inside an unusual shape - not a circle or oval as we might expect, but a rectangle with rounded corners - a sort of lozenge shape.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Alan, Pleased to hear about Hamish. I was told that our last dog used to enjoy his ' beauty day ' but hated the dryer after his shampoo.

    OG, Definitely doesn't sound as if you are 100% yet but glad to hear that you don't feel as bad as last night.

  • Morning all ... just back from a short shopping mission. No snow overnight, but bitterly cold ... it was only minus 3.5C when I came back!

    OG - sorry you have been feeling unwell, but glad there has been some improvement after a good night's sleep. You need to be ok for your invasion tomorrow! Good to hear that you are generating. That was quite a long list of birds you posted yesterday ... how lovely to see such a variety.

    Alan - glad to hear that Hamish got the all-clear from the vet. Lucky you to spot a flock of wheelie bins ... very rare sighting!

    Gary - fantastic link to the frozen lighthouse ... amazing sight.

    Thanks to all for chat etc

    Take care


    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • NEW BLOG from Richard.

    Funnily enough Hamish prefers the vets to the grooming parlour. Cant figure out why.

  • Hello folks.  Well, we got the promised snow - not much in comparison to the amounts some of you have experienced but enough to be a problem.  Bus service seems to have been suspended so if I need anything the car will have to be used.

    Alan So glad Hamish has gor thee 'all clear' and can go to be made even more handsome.  My 'old lady' (over 15) had her first ever professional grooming session a couple of months ago and behaved really well.  She has always objected strongly to my efforts but coped with hair removal, shampooing and the drying cabinet.  Got a bit worried about the big hair dryer for her nether regions and round her neck.

    OG Glad you are feeling better today.  I'm sure the stress of having your solar panels fitted contributed to how you were yesterday.  Do take care.  What a range of birds you had!  This morning we've had the 'usual suspects', chaffinches, goldfinches, the odd greenfinch, starlings, feral pigeon, collared doves, one blackbird and about half a dozen linnets. 


  • Ever been frustrated by spam emails? Listen to Bob Servant's answer to play the fraudster at their own game! Click on the Listen now button and drag the slider to 25 minutes 50 seconds to the start of Bob's first episode, to be continued next Friday.....those living in the Dundee area will enjoy the references to the city's colourful, social history, both real and imagined. What started as a joke, has now a cult following.

    "Delete this at your peril"



    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies

  •  Patriciat,  I have just seen on the news the many snow problems in your areas. Do take care.  It has been snowing heavily here for about an hour now. I guess somebody told the forecasters, as they have just produced another flash warning, after the event had well started !

  • jsb, That was hilarious. Trouble is though, that people have sent money in answer to these e-mails.

  • Hi Brenda H, I don't beleeeeve eet......I just got two identical spams.....like those, you warn about.

    From, moneybookers.com....of whom I have never heard. Don't worry I am a Neighbourhood Watch person, so they will be zapped.


    Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE We are writing you this email to inform you that your moneybookers account has been temporarily suspended for
    incoming and outgoing transactions due to a payment you received that is being suspected by our security team as
    being an exchange with another e-currency.

    In accordance with our terms and conditions, article 3.2, moneybookers strictly forbids exchanges of any kind with
    other e-currencies.

    To remake your account fully operational, we would like to kindly ask you to confirm your identity by clicking the link
    below and filling the forms. Once this this process has been completed, your account will be reactivated.


    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies