Will catch up later, but see the last page of yesterday's chat for updates from folks - including the last one from Diane!
thanks, Brenda for that tech news.
Waiting for Wednesday when the Countdown Clock looks that much better,Tiger!
Morning all:
Lindybird: Our front yard is piled with broken concrete and piles of (nice rich) soil - in fact, another landscaper stopped by yesterday and asked if we had any spare soil at the end of the project, to give him a buzz and he'd come get it. We put up Christmas lights right before they started work, so things look much better at night. What a super little bird feeder! I've never seen one like that - we have hummingbird feeders that attach to windows but haven't seen a regular one. And do admire your tiles - they look very cheery. I'm always erring on the side of neutrality (well, in decorating anyway). When my sister has visited, she's noted the preponderance of all-white or off-white walls in SoCal and surmises that it has to do with being in such a warm climate; that muted tones have a cooling effect. Maybe so; I think I'd probably opt for warm tones in a colder climate.
Alan: Indeed telly is under initial one-year warranty and when you buy electronics from Costco, they tack on another year's warranty free. Am glad I've had them as an intermediary in all this. A manly tear eh? I suspect you're just a big softie at heart!
Brenda: Thanks for the heads up on the down time during the update! :-)
George: That must've been quite a bump to put a hole in the tire wall. Still running SiL around I see - I'm sure she really appreciates being chauffered to the shops.
Tiger: Was reading our local online news site yesterday and someone posted that on 12/20 we'll be treated to a total lunar eclipse with a full moon (and right before the Winter Solstice!) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/December_2010_lunar_eclipse. This Tuesday, the 13th, there's the Geminid meteor shower. Check out this storm cell over Montana from November 30! http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap101130.html Pretty damn scary!! (The photographer lives in Glasgow - Montana! Those Scots sure got around.) Thanks for 100-day countdown - it'll be interesting to see what happens at LOTL this spring....
Okay, had better organize myself. Take care all - thanks for posts and news!
The Dunedin camera is down already. I hope they get it fixed soon.
Margo : I was wondering if this sighting was near you: Do you think they were stocking up for Christmas?
12/12 14:37 DORSET : Waxwing, Poole [S]35 at Sainsbury's
Brenda H : Thanks for reminding us of the down time on tuesday..
Good Sunday afternoon, All. We have had the nuthatch here quite a bit today, and once saw two at the same time so it is a pair, also saw the female brambling and about 12 goldfinches along with the usual suspects. Went for a cycle ride this morning, some of the lanes are icy but nothing too dramatic – got a puncture one mile from home so had to push.
Diane, lovely to hear from you. I’m sure you won’t make big decisions too soon. I guess you saw your brother? Keep well.
Re TVs, we bought our first a month ago. It was a large flat screen Sony and seems to be working ok so far. The only trouble I’ve had is with the Guarantee dept. I sent off the guarantee rather late (but not too late), they recommend special delivery which costs £5 and they have replied to say I did not enclose the receipt. Now I know I did because the shop we got it from stapled a copy on for us. Sent another at £5 and now wondering if they are now going to say I sent it too late??? Wait and see... The reason it’s the first we’ve bought is because for the first 20 years of our marriage we didn’t have one at all, then when my dad died my mum gave me the black and white he had used in the bedroom, then when she died 3 years ago we had her bulky colour one and then later got a digi-box for it.
Re C’mas presents for OH, see above (half a TV)!
Lindy, love your rustic looking tiles. Nothing in my house is magnolia.
Alan, glad to hear Hamish is back to dealing with cats.
Phoebe the humming bird is building her nest again, and has been showing off to a male, more eggs soon, we hope! http://phoebeallens.com/
Terry in Cumbria
LINDY what a snazzy window feeder, must look out for one like it. Loved the blue tit and also kitchen tiles.
Video of White Tailed Sea Eagle at Amberley yesterday:
thought I would change my avatar for Christmas
Tried to put a still Rudolf in my signature so just testing as although it appears on my profile don't think it will post here.
Unknown said: Video of White Tailed Sea Eagle at Amberley yesterday:
Alan - Yes I was sorely tempted to go down there, despite having vowed never to become a twitcher, but was tied up this morning and it has now moved on west - last Birdguides sighting was at Fareham.
Glad to hear Hamish is doing well.
Hi everyone.Time has absolutely flown by since I last posted. No more Tree Sparrow sightings since Friday, although I'm well away from where Tree Sparrows are present. Strangely enough I had a Nuthatch visit in December 2009. So perhaps December 2011 will bring another surprise visitor.Most of the snow has melted away, with just a few piles left from where it was scraped off certain streets. Although it's been frosty all day today, it hasn't felt as cold as it looks. Perhaps I'm just getting used to it.Annette: Thanks for starting the thread. Sorry to here you've been having bother with your new T.VAlan: I'm so glad to hear Hamish came through his operation okay. Thanks for the Sea Eagle video.Diane: Great to hear from you again. Nice to hear a Woodpecker welcomed you back.Linda: Thanks for the lovely Blue Tit pictures.Brenda: Thanks for the heads up about the system update.george g: I saw that big yellow thing in the sky as well. Hope you have a snow free week.TerryM: That must've been amazing seeing 12 Goldfinches. The most I've ever seen was 7. Sorry your bike got a puncture.A very Happy Sunday to everyone. :-)Paul.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.