Dyfi Osprey Project Live Stream 2022

DOP. Live stream is on now.


  • Bart molenaar said:

    Outrageous indeed! Should end up before the beak

  • Unknown said:
    Should end up before the beak

    I decided to pack up on a high note - superduper one, KORKY Rofl


  • 25 August

    Padarn finishing breakfish:

    Later, 7B2 Paith was seen on the nest perch with a rather stiff-looking flounder - she was interrupted by a Magpie and flew off before finishing it, but then I think she went back to the nest with it but we never got a close view.

    It appeared that there were 2 Ospreys out on the cors having playtime in the air - but without on-the-spot commentary... ???

    Late afternoon, definitely an intruder, there are 2 on the nest/crossbar but it's very dark:

    Then later the nest bird rose up and "attacked" the crossbar bird - but the problem is that the cam swings away so we don't know if personnel changed Upside down 

    At least FIVE Magpies - had a wonderful time for half an hour!


  • Padarn in the golden hour.. for more than 20 minutes

  • Posted on Dyfi Fb this morning

    Link to Hesgyn's updated blog, by Emyr 

  • 26 August

    First in:

    Before breakfish - it was on the way!

    Blurry breakfish per Idris:

    After breakfish:

    I've completely lost track of time.

    At one stage 7B1 Padarn was on the nest to receive another fish, which Idris duly arrived with - but he wouldn't hand it over, fliew off with it:

    I then found him on a perch with it, then he flew back to still-waiting Padarn - but flew off with it again !!!

    I would like to think that Idris was concerned that Paith had not been fed and was looking for her, but then there were chases in the sky so maybe he had simply been sidetracked by an intruder - who knows?

    Later, Idris found Paith on the nest and gave her a lovely whopper - not the headless flounder he'd been flying around with!

    Bart molenaar said:
    Padarn in the golden hour.. for more than 20 minutes (still on rewind, but I've uploading the video

    Emyr Evans, head honcho at Dyfi, forbids us to publish Dyfi videos, BART - there's no "legal" reason for it so YouTube will tell you it's OK - you'll only know if someone who's already been reprimanded tells you Tired face 


    Another waste of 2 hours here!  My e-pal Lin Lawson (Osprey Friends FB founder) has this wonderful picture software that blends one picture into another - no hard edges!  Every now and then I go off on a wild-goose chase for a way of doing it in what software I already have or don't yet have but won't cost anything...  Needless to say, another failure tonight :(((

    So here's my snap showing Padarn catching sight of a Jay on the nest prior to flying to shoo it away.  Poor little soul was only pilfering scraplets for supper:

    I'm missing 20:00-02:00 approx.  EDIT - Found it, nothing exceptional to report.

    Not an entirely unsuccessful trawl thru the day, tho - we've seen that both 1&2 are still with us, as is faithful Idris, and that there are intruders still.


  • I'm so very grateful for all the lovely captures of the juvies with identification and Idris Scylla. My Dyfi folder was looking a little slim.
  • 27 August

    Oh dear, the 28th has well and truly got going and I'm only now here with the 27th!

    I didn't find 7B2 all day - but someone else might have.

    First in:

    This guy was a really cheeky chappy!


  • 28 August

    Emyr says that Idris, Padarn and Paith are all still here.

    Here's a snap from yesterday - this definitely wasn't Padarn but obviously it wasn't possible to ID:


  • A 'Science Sunday' blog from Emyr which makes very interesting reading!

    PEDRAN: What has happened to her?