Dyfi Osprey Project Live Stream 2022

DOP. Live stream is on now.


  • Idris just flew down for what looked like a successful mating andthen staight back to the perch so obviously not planning to gofishing anytime soon
  • Telyn suddenly took off but nosceeching which might indicate an intruder
  • SunnyKate2 said:

    Morning all

    I wont post pics this morning. ( so as not to spoil all of Scyllas hard work.)

    I understand that the Tornado that struck Wales on Wednesday,,apparently blew Telyn off the Nest. but obs only recording seeing  both birds safely on the ground.So not sure if anyone s/capped .

    Scylla's reply:

    I should have had it but probably too busy to check thru, I deleted lots that day - if only we'd known about it earlier I might have dug it out.


    Idris is ignoring Telyn's cries - after all, he's only just started his meal!

  • SunnyKate2 said:
    I wont post pics this morning. ( so as not to spoil all of Scyllas hard work.)

    I've only just noticed that bit.  Dearest (((Kate))) please don't let my OCD snap/video behaviour put you off.  I mean tuh say - look at today, I've done bugga-all for the early morning Tired face

    And it's so hot now I'm going to lie down in front of a fan Sweat Sweat Sweat

  • Should have a nice snap or video or both of FOXY eating in a while, when s/he's left the scene.
  • Scylla, I look forward to your vid of the beautiful fox, which I cam across when it was mentioned in Chat, so here are a few snips.  Initially I thought it might be a dropped fish, but it looked like a bone.  There was mention of a bone earlier, but I didn't follow it up.  It could have been a sheep.  It certainly wasn't a bird.  The action was near the nest

    15:11   Rann   I think I'm going with the bones Telyn brought in and then dumped

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  • Symbols of the morning's activities:

    Another stick:

    Lots of welly in this one:


    He took it out there to get away from the nagging wife Astonished Persevere 

    He kept looking skywards and ended up taking his fish to the campost, whence he delivered plenty to Telyn but the cam got behind:

    He had a well-deserved little sit-down:

    Telyn was on the other end of the perch, trying to eat her fish:

    Oh heck, I hit post for some mad reason.

    I think the Fox comes next.

  • scylla said:
    I think the Fox comes next.

    No - the Magpie was replaced by a different corvid:

    Foxy has been much more difficult than I anticipated so here's one shot, with a misjudged frame, to go along with and I'm going to eat:

  • Scylla XXXXX hope you enjoyed your break.

    Is this looking precarious., or is it just a poor angle?


  • SunnyKate2 said:
    hope you enjoyed your break

    Apart from not lasting very long feelng "awake", I've now got a (probably fatal, of course) pain in my back/side (not backside) - but Voltarol has miraculously helped, I do hope it lasts.

    Here are more Foxy snaps, they're probably in the wrong order:

    He got a drumstick Smile 

    Bye-bye MrFox: