I'm starting this thread because the OP can be an easily-findable repository for information - eg, how to find current live streams - and it can be updated by me on behalf of myself or anyone else who instructs me to add or change something.

MrsG ©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife per MaryGK

YouTube Channel pages - LIVE CAMS will show a thumbnail with LIVE on a red background, eg:

ALYTH - https://www.youtube.com/@wildlifewindows/streams

ARKAIG - https://www.youtube.com/@woodlandtrust/streams

BRENIG - https://www.youtube.com/@llynbrenig4825/streams

CLYWEDOG - https://www.youtube.com/@CarnyxWild/streams

DYFI - https://www.youtube.com/@DyfiOspreyProject/streams

FOULSHAW MOSS INTERACTIVE CAM (but it went down before end of 2023 season) - https://youtu.be/GP3XfmaLRqU

GLASLYN - https://www.youtube.com/@bywydgwylltglaslynwildlife687/streams

LOCH GARTEN - https://www.youtube.com/@RSPBVideo/streams

LOWES - https://www.youtube.com/@ScottishWildlifeTrustvideos/streams

MANTON BAY - https://www.youtube.com/@RutlandOspreyProject/streams

POOLE HARBOUR - https://www.youtube.com/@birdsofpooleharbour/streams

RSPB Videohttps://www.youtube.com/@RSPBVideo/streams with LG Osprey, Goshawk, Feeder, Capercaillie....

WILDLIFE WINDOWS https://www.youtube.com/@wildlifewindows/streams Alyth Osprey nest and varying other cams, eg, Andover Peregrines, Dorset Hobby, Bourne Barn Owls, Upper Nidderdale Sand Martin Wall.



No cam:

BALGAVIES LOCH OSPREYS YT CHANNEL - www.youtube.com/results - There is a thread in this forum and their FACEBOOK Page - LINK HERE

Non-UK Osprey:

BARNEGAT LIGHT - https://www.youtube.com/@ConserveWildlifeNJ/streams

CAPTIVA - https://www.youtube.com/@WindowToWildlife/streams

SAAKSILIVE Finland - https://www.youtube.com/@Saaksilive/streams


Non-YT nestcams - UK and overseas

BALBUCAM - http://www.balbucam.fr/fr/en-direct/

FOULSHAW MOSS - https://www.cumbriawildlifetrust.org.uk/wildlife/cams (select from list)

TWEED VALLEY - https://forestryandland.gov.scot/visit/forest-parks/tweed-valley-forest-park/the-tweed-valley-osprey-project (Cam link should be at bottom of page.)

VISAREND, Nl - www.vogelbescherming.nl/.../visarend

The rest of this thread can continue as the "normal" Osprey Chat thread we have every season.  OK?  I hope Purple heart  

  • So sorry to have missed this, Geemeff. My notifications have gone awry (yet again!!) and I've only just received your post above! I was also 'dealing' with an intrusion at Lowes at the time of the zoom briefing (it took an age to collect the pics!). However, I did answer both questions on the YouTube comments section late this afternoon. :)

  • Had horrible hosp visit yesterday and missed the evening briefing Did anybody go or is there detailed info somewhere, please?
  • Oh, so sorry to hear of your horrible hosp visit Patily- I do know a thing or two about the shenanigans that go on - I hope you're feeling a little better to day Patily. I can't do zoom meetings so have no idea what has been going on .
  • Patily, Sorry to hear you had a horrible hospital visit--hope all is well again. Are you planning any Osprey nest visits for this year? We are off to Wales again for our summer holiday, although a bit later than we were last year.

    Geemeff, Many thanks for the notice about the short Zoom meeting about the Flight of the Osprey. Mr GB and I watched it and I was glad to hear Sacha will not be flying as she did with the Swans and so we will not need to worry about the project on that account (don't want any more tragedies). I was amused and delighted to hear Sacha's description of how the idea of the project was first broached--it was while she was 'being flung around the dance floor by Roy Dennis' that he had asked her if she could do the same for Ospreys as she had done for Swans! Wonderful--I can just picture it! Also, I do hope that one or more of the folks involved in the project will be doing talks for various groups over the two years of the project, among others possibly to Local RSPB Groups as well as to other larger and smaller groups. Our Local RSPB Groups usually have events planned for a year ahead, but they would probably be happy to have a talk in year two of the FOTO project. Our local Wildlife Trust also offers occasional talks, and there is a small team at a Bird of Prey centre near us who do a regular Podcast, interviewing a wide range of folks involved in nature and its conservation (not only those involved with birds of prey but all of nature)--just a few suggestions.

    Cirrus, Please do not be put off by Zoom. If I, as a fairly non-techie person, can click on a link in an e-mail, you can do it, too! Zoom has been a Godsend for us during the pandemic (and in some ways I regret that some groups are now stopping meeting by Zoom in favour of solely in-person meetings!) We can attend Zoom meetings from the comfort of our living room, and in complete privacy if we switch off our video camera and our sound, not to mention that we do not burn any petrol to get to and from meetings!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Cirrus, Please do not be put off by Zoom. If I, as a fairly non-techie person, can click on a link in an e-mail, you can do it, too! Zoom has been a Godsend for us during the pandemic (and in some ways I regret that some groups are now stopping meeting by Zoom in favour of solely in-person meetings!) We can attend Zoom meetings from the comfort of our living room, and in complete privacy if we switch off our video camera and our sound, not to mention that we do not burn any petrol to get to and from meetings!

    Kind regards, Ann

    Hi Gardenbirder - I see your point, I thought  it  would be   rude to  not ''show my face'' as it were. Yes, I can certainly click on a link    Grinning

    and (surreptitious  whisper) I always managed to high tail it to my nearest country side to walk and have nature mostly to myself ! Pony trekkers and dog walkers abounded though. Hope you're not shocked. 

  • Sacha Dench and Joanna Lumley on GMB talking about following the ospreys on migration using drone technology. They also mention tagging a few
  • Thank you Sandra, patily, Cirrus and Gardenbirder. The briefing was well attended, and I managed - I think - to do a halfway decent first hosting of a zoom meeting despite last minute agenda changes as people in Africa and other countries had to rearrange internet connections! The launch was held last night at the Royal Geographical Society, Joanna Lumley opened the speeches, and she and Sacha were on GMB this morning as Alan has noted.

    I've attended a few launch type events but never one as enjoyable as this - when the speeches and slide presentation were over and people directed back to the main hall to refresh their glasses, no one moved! Just broke up into small groups with lots of animated chats going on. I personally talked to among others, Sir Tim Smit (Eden Project) about coy-mantling, of all things, a biologist who's making sustainable food - think flour made from crushed insects, Dr Erica McAllister, entomologist from the Natural History Museum, Dr Kayleigh Fawcett Williams, holding a very expensive thermal imaging camera who's a bat expert, a project sponsor who's into ethical finance so wants to fund more of this type of project (from NZ but doesn't like Test cricket - I had a go at persuading him otherwise, and we did agree on rugby!), an education dept head for a large sustainable living foundation who make all their content available free online for schools in developing countries, and Ian Redmond (protégé of Dian Fossey) who looked as if he'd just returned from one of his expeditions to far flung places and hadn't had time to go home yet.

    News item in today's Independent


  • Sacha and Joanna Lumley on Good Morning Britain this morning

  • Sacha Dench speaking at the launch event last night