Can I be so bold as to start this new thread for the most iconic Osprey nest in the world?

Hopefully if the season progresses the way all of us would like it can be changed to a monthly, weekly then daily threads!

Question: are we having a sweepstake for the first confirmed sighting of a bird on the nest this year? If so I will get my prediction in now - 21st March 7.53 am Osprey without a fish.

We can only hope that we shall be able to witness it ourselves via a camera rather than having to read a report.

Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • CRinger said:
    Can I be so bold as to start this new thread for the most iconic Osprey nest in the world?

    Well you've done it now, dear CRinger - and I've been wondering what it will look like if/when we eventually get it on our screens...


    ...and who may populate it, if anyone?  Did Axel & Mistle stay together?  Will they be back?

  • scylla said:

    CRinger said:
    Can I be so bold as to start this new thread for the most iconic Osprey nest in the world?

    Well you've done it now, dear CRinger - and I've been wondering what it will look like if/when we eventually get it on our screens....


    Remind me what the latest news is on a camera? I know you have your finger on the pulse.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • I do miss Tiger posting every year, as Tiger was a regular on here. Is Tiger keeping well. As I used to enjoy Tiger’s posting on this forum.



  • CRinger said:
    Remind me what the latest news is on a camera? I know you have your finger on the pulse.

    You wildly flatter me, CRinger.  But here's Peter Carnyx's response to an enquiring thread started by Thomo a few weeks ago.

    And I've seen something from LG re a cam being up end of Feb/beginning of March ???

    I'm off for a nap now, my eyes are closed, I've probably skimmed past the source of the LG msg.

  • Unknown said:

    I do miss Tiger posting every year, as Tiger was a regular on here. Is Tiger keeping well. As I used to enjoy Tiger’s posting on this forum.

    Tiger pops in occasionally, but he's very busy running his Facebook page nowadays.

  • I miss Tiger posting too And Chloe's website re ALL things Osprey
  • Thank you for being courageous CRinger!  We can live in hope.  I imagine, all things being equal, we may hear that the cam(s) are to be turned on in a couple of weeks.

    It would be lovely to see Axel & Mistle again.  They are such beautiful looking birds.  Axel got his unofficial name (from the Forum) because of his Blue AX6 Darvic ring.  He hatched in Glen Affric in 2016.  The name Mistle was suggest by Scylla, due to her beautifully speckled breast and readily adopted.  They were seen bonding on the nest on 25 April, and continued to visit, but didn't settle.  Were they hedging their bets, or had they found a more favourable nest elsewhere - surely not!

    Edit: re the naming of the pair, see Scyll's post below.  Mike named Mistle because of her Mistle Thrush speckles. and Scylla who names Axel, based on his ring number.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Thank you for the background info, SHEILA - however, minor corrections re name origins:

    It was I who suggested Axel's name - because of his ring number and the undeniable nano-possibility of him having a Scandinavian gene tucked away  Stuck out tongue  It wasn't popular with all of us tho, but wasn't voted down either.

    Mistle was suggested by our dear MIKE, and that was gladly accepted by us all.

    I do hope we'll hear from the VC soon.

  • Yes you can CRinger and you have done now. I so do hope that we have a pair on this iconic nest this year. It would be lovely if some of our dear EJ's young would maybe take up resident with a partner, if not maybe as has been said, Axel and Mistle may return and settle there. We are long overdue a happy outcome here after loosing our beloved EJ and dear Odin, chick's, then some interest being shown over the last few years but no one taking up residency, so fingers crossed this may be the year.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • After Tiger ran the sweepstake for EJ's arrival for years and decided to stop doing it, I did it for the following year but it does take a lot of time and keeping on top of, so maybe we could just do as you have and whoever wants to, can post their guess here as you have.

    Day - Date - Time - With/Without Fish.

    If you like I could keep a note of the guess's on my tablet's notebook and if an Osprey does arrive and someone has guessed that day, I will post their guess on that day, without posting all the details as before, naming folks each day who has made a guess and whether they were correct or not. Just for a bit of fun.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.