(Last season's 153-page mega-thread.)
We look forward to MrsG and Aran's return with even more eagerness and anxiety than usual.
Guestimated due dates per ©UKOspreys.uk
GLASLYN YOUTUBE CHANNEL - where the latest live stream link can always be found.
Tiger and Chloe's Osprey Info
New stream www.youtube.com/watch Two noisy juvies on nest
Aran drops off a fish around 10.15 this morning. 499 and 498 are waiting to receive.
They both make a grab at the same time. 498 nearest to the camera.
A tug o’ fish ensues
with 499 the victor.
The 3 juveniles together. From left 498, 499, 497.
Some lovely zooms of 497
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
Unknown said:Great captures Glider,, many thanks
You’re very welcome Cirrus. The camera operator did a great job following the birds.
Isn’t it amazing that all the ospreys are still here!
Aran brings in a fish. Front left 498 front right 497 rear 499
499 quickly takes the fish and mantles. 497 starts pecking Aran
Who then makes a quick getaway
The juveniles are 91, 94 and 95 days old.