(Last season's 153-page mega-thread.)

We look forward to MrsG and Aran's return with even more eagerness and anxiety than usual.

Guestimated due dates per ©


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  • It was fantastic to see the Glaslyn family and we have enjoyed our time here very much...... We are even still talking to one another after 8 days in a tent! :-) Carry on Camping in Wales has been great! LOL!
  • It is an amazing place, LAM, lovely people and fantastic scenery. So pleased you have had a good time. Thanks for the photos.
  • Thank you Cathy yes amazing place and amazing people.
    Feels quite something to see Aran flying like he is now after his accident last year and to see Mrs G..... Although she looks fearsome she seems quite chilled preening on a perch! What a great pair of Ospreys they are!
    Oh and we have their granddaughter in Yorkshire KS1.
  • We certainly do LAM, I am just a little concerned about the water situation and the stocked lakes they have, I understand they have been using Nosterfield, and I think they are deep, the Ure will be low.
    We visited Glaslyn last July, after Aran's accident and the loss of the chicks, so not much activity, but thoroughly enjoyed it all the same.
  • Oh goodness glad you visited Glaslyn but such a sad time for you and all of the team but perhaps there was a sense of kindred spirits so it was a good lift for you because we just felt so sad! But thank goodness the feeding started and saved the day!
    Yes agreed Cathy about the water levels a bit worrying hope the rain forecast next week fills everything up!
    Nosterfield? We'll go take a look tomorrow on the state of levels there. Didn't realise they were using that for fishing will pop down on the bikes with binoculars on back :-)
    Gosh think we're getting too old for this lark! Lol
  • It's the Yorkshire ospreys that are using Nosterfield! Rather a long way on the bikes.

  • Yes JillR we live in Yorkshire about 7 miles from Nosterfield :-)
  • LAM said:
    Yes JillR we live in Yorkshire about 7 miles from Nosterfield :-)

     Looking forward to your report Lam and trusting the Ospreys will be able to get lots of fish

  • I do hope you see some activity LAM.
    Apart from Semmer Water, I can't think of any fairly substantial bodies of water locally.
    I get the impression that the landowners would do, or try, to keep them sustained, whatever.
  • Good Morning All
    If we see anything we will let you have any reports Cirrus for sure so fingers crossed.
    Cathy there is also a platform at Bolton on Swale so that must also be a good fishing spot provided water levels are not too low.
    Agreed though Cathy think the landowners will keep a watchful eye on them as they are delighted to have their new quests! :-)