Link to August 2021 to end of February 2022

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


2021 return dates: LM12 (Laddie) - 21st March;  NC0(16) - 25th March

Laddie and NC0 were an exceptional team during 2021, successfully raising two very feisty and well fed juveniles, LR1 and LR2.  LR2 was sighted in Southern Spain on 3.9.21 and again on 25.10.21

2022 marks Laddie's 11th breeding year, NC0's 3rd, and very much hope that our wonderful pair have a safe, spring migration back to this stunning nest location at Loch of the Lowes. 


March/April Blogs and Updates

4.3.22: Blog (which includes a summary of the 2021 season with videos) >>> The countdown has begun...

13.3.22 c12:00: Laddie (LM12) arrived back from migration. 

Blog >>> LM12 has arrived back at Loch of the Lowes

23.3.22 c18:14: NC0 arrived back from migration. 

Blog >>> NC0 has arrived back at Loch of the Lowes

25.3.22: LotL Presentation >>> The Osprey Season: What can we expect?

31.3.22: Blog >>> Crowded House: Intruding Ospreys at Loch of the Lowes

5.4.22: Blog >>> When Will We Have Osprey Eggs at Loch of the Lowes?

12.4.22 c18:35: Egg #1  Blog >>> NC0 lays her first egg of 2022!

15.4.22 c16:05: Egg #2  Blog >>> NC0 has laid her second egg!

16.4.22: Blog >>> Updates from Week 1 & 2 of Osprey Watch at Loch of the Lowes

16.4.22: PT4(19) arrived back from migration.

Blog by Joanna Dailey (18.4.22) >>> Loch of the Lowes' PT4 returns to Kielder Forest

18.4.22 c12:14: Egg #3  Blog >>> NC0 lays her 3rd egg!

26.4.22: Blog >>> Updates from Week 3 of Osprey Watch at Loch of the Lowes

29.4.22: Blog >>> Meet Our Species Protection Officers at Loch of the Lowes

  • Geemeff said:
    wonder what the rationale is behind the omission?

    It's so incomprehensible to me that I have to put it down to malice - which is ridiculous, of course.

  • It seems this topic of timelines comes up every year. I agree that a timeline can be very useful but I came to the conclusion a long time ago that every Osprey site has its own views about timelines as well as about just about nearly everything to do with working toward the increase and preservation of Ospreys, in our case, in the UK, but I imagine that opinions also vary around the world, about to the same extent as they do here. Sometimes it seems that the only thing generally agreed upon is that it is extremely important to do whatever possible (and legal--Lol!, although sometimes I wonder about that as well...) to help Ospreys here (and around the world) to increase, to spread and to thrive (everyone here and at every Osprey site is very passionate about that, or at least I hope so!) It is just a question of how to go about it and people and groups do not always agree on that--sad, but true. Hence, to save my sanity, almost the same as Mr GB and I concluded, that in dealing with some of our much-loved elders who became afflicted with dementia of some form, the best approach is to accept that things are as they are, and that complaining about the status quo, lobbying for change and trying endlessly to change the unchangeable is useless. It is best for me to accept conditions as they are and allow all the various other people and Osprey groups to do things as they like. Some Osprey groups just do not like anything cluttering up the videos and snaps, and so they opt for no timelines. I just try to accept things as they are and I know that some accommodation on my part is necessary for a serene and quiet life! It is useless to tell someone with a poor short term memory that they have asked the same question 10 times in the last 5 minutes. Just accept that that is how things are and treat every repeated question as though they have never asked it and will not be asking it again a dozen times in the next 5 minutes. No point in getting irate. Likewise, I try to accept that various folks and various conservation projects do things differently and do not waste time requesting change, at least not any more times than once or twice! It can be a pain in the neck now and then but life is like that. You have your views, they do, too, and so do I--I prefer to just let it all go--why bother to make an issue of it? Some folks may even change their mind about some things eventually but don't hold your breath. Some of us will come down with dementia, too--not a happy prospect but it is a possibility, sadly...life is like that; I try to accept it. And here endeth the sermon; apologies for going on about it...

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Unknown said:
    here endeth the sermon; apologies for going on about it...

    I should cocoa!  You're coming at it from a completely different place, GB.  The time and eye-watering stress involved in covering cams without a timeline are not something you subject yourself to - maybe you think that I, and others like me, shouldn't bother...


    EDIT - I'm going to eat this mess of pottage I've created now, while watching Masterchef - how masochistic is that?!

  • Someone landed a minute ago but I posted in the wrong thread :-/

    Plenty flapping going on.

  • Are you all still watching me? I am sitting waiting to be fed.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • I've seen a lot of activity on the nest (corner of eye) so I thought there'd be a lot of posts here. I'll have a check thru the morning to see if anything "special" occurred.
  • FISH !!! !!! !!!

    The first time I've typed that this season ;)
  • A headless fish at approx. 15:57
