Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 16 January 2022

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  • "The problem with political jokes is that sometimes they get elected"
  • Lindy, I'm sure we could all name at least two ...!

    Someone sent me something from Facebook this morning, concerning much the same situation. It read, 'This Sunday's gospel reading is the wedding at Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine. Everyone goes to a party and afterwards nobody is quite sure what actually happened and it gets discussed and debated for ages afterwards. ... and they say this stuff lacks contemporary relevance'. First I smiled - then it made me think ...
  • Morning all:  

    Lindybird:  My life is just a bit more exciting than yours right now: Started a deep cleaning of the house yesterday - or was it the day before?  Anyway, I'm taking it slowly and doing one room a day and stopping to investigate/file/fling things that have been piled on one surface or another for just a minute but which have been there for months.  Bath mats may be on the agenda for Wednesday....   Will be interesting to see if the French follow through on their non-vax ban.  My OH doesn't take aspirin, etc., either; prefers to creak about the house looking pained - go figure.   My niece in the UK sent me all kinds of cartoons, etc., re Boris.  One read "Credit where credit's due - turns out the government can organize a p*ss-up." 

    AQ:  Hope the park wasn't too warm.  Was watching Deutsche Welle last week and lady in Israel was complaining about the ever-changing recommendations from their health authorities, same here too.  Wonder if Oz's three-year ban on deported people will be waived for Mr. D.   Again, happy to see actions result in consequences. :-)

    OG: Hope you are feeling even better today.  :-)   Our back gate is sporting multiple scratches from neighbors' cats.  

    dibnlib:   I had to Google the breed - very cute. Another "water/lake dog".

    Take care all.

  • Just looking in for the first time this week.

    Diane - hadn't realised you had been ill - wishing you a good recovery and hope you feel a lot better soon.

    Annette - so pleased to hear that your Dau has been moved to a good rehab centre - wishing her all the best and look after yourself as well.

    Thank you Diane - its been a bit of a roller coaster since Ray passed on. Trying to get the financial side of things set up in my name and as Dau and Son are executors they have to deal with most of it. Unfortunately OH didn't keep me in the loop with what to do in the event of him going first so its all a learning curve.

    Will be catching up with your news
  • OG - hear you have not been so good lately but do hope and pray that things will gradually get better for you.

    It has been a roller coaster ride since he passed away.   As we found an unauthorized amount taken out of his account ( which I found to be a scam )  we have had to shut his bank account down earlier than we wanted which means getting in touch with all his present accounts and trying to sort it out to go in my name.  I have had to leave Dau and Son to do most of it as they are executors of the Will.   We'll get there with time.

    At least now we have a date of February 3rd. for the Funeral so can make the arrangements now .

  • OOh that is nice for you dibnlib. I said a hello to a cute daschund (sorry about spelling) whilst in the florists odering the flowers for the funeral.

    All this business with Djocovic has been played to the hilt. Australia were within their rights to ban him if not vaccinated if it is their law. Also other countries too if that is what they want people to do before entering.

    Well, we have had some lovely sunny weather today but starting off misty and frosty.
  • Lynette:  Good to see you, but sorry you've had financial complications - not unusual in these circumstances unfortunately.  Hope your daughter and son can sort it out without too many problems.  Good you got the funeral date set.   Do take care!

  • Yesterday I met Travel Friend for a “picnic in the park”. Perhaps I should rename her Park Friend as we don’t travel with covid! I was lovely to sit outside, a cool 25 C, breezy, with water birds feeding beneath the gum trees. Most of the wetlands have dried out with one pond remaining. Ducks, waterfowl, spoonbills & lots of ibis. We took a sandwich and daringly entered the café for a takeaway coffee. I would like to repeat with other friends but I must pick the right day as hot weather is forecast for next week. Also I have promised Dau some free shopping time next week (last week of school holidays) and some R&R during her home-schooling weeks. OH has another dental appt, food shop to be done, oh, it is an exciting life!!!

  • Just a thought

    Life is a boomerang. What you give, you get.

  • Good Morning. Got up today well before daylight and have been standing by my bedroom window for three quarters of an hour observing & photographing a red sky over our white frosty fields. Pics later as I took over 50 snaps so will have to go prune & sort them now!

    Lynette, nice to hear from you and hope you can sort out the financial tangle - as Annette says, it's not uncommon.

    AQ - Good that you managed some pleasant fresh air and a chat. Hope you can do it again!
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