I hope everyone has a wonderful, joyful week. Please stay safe, folks.
It’s Sunday, therefore I am 100% motivated to do nothing today!
Sundays. . . Sleep until you’re hungry. Then eat until you’re sleepy.
Tomorrow’s Monday?? Again?? I don’t think I can do this every week!
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Hallo all.
CC: Do you have a Trader Joe's near you? They have a wonderful Organic Tomato and Roasted Red Pepper soup. I was in line there with two containers in my basket and spotted another woman who also had two. She was saying she makes grilled cheese sandwiches and then dips them in the soup. I was mentally totting up the calories, but it did sound really yummy.
I'm decluttering the garden; going to start pruning back the roses today. Re those stepping stones I removed from around the fountain, my OH mentioned that he'd like to see them positioned over the dymondia on the way to the garden hose.! Needless to say (I always wonder about that because if it's needless to say, why am I saying it?) Anyway, needless to say, my look told him what I thought of that idea! :-) The garage also seems to be accumulating lots of empty boxes and various items that need to go to the thrift store and/or the non-recyclable plastic place and/or the hazardous waste center..... On another garden note, California now requires that we stop throwing away food waste (the goal being to reduce methane gas emissions from city dumps). Some communities have had a food composting program in place for a few years; others are having folks put veggie/fruit leftovers in the green garden waste bin. I can't make out what our local authorities are telling us to do (conflicting suggestions), but it seems like the folks at Island Feed & Seed are accepting food waste. I don't have a compost pile in the garden and don't particularly want to start another project. Gosh it all gets so complicated.... And now for something completely different: A mountain lion was spotted over New Year's in the creek bed just two blocks up from our house and a pack of 7 coyotes was seen about the same time in the avocado ranch just 5 blocks up the road.
Take care all