WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey). SUNDAY NOVEMBER 28 2021

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  • I'm glad I brought a small fuschia into the house for us to enjoy. It's trying to flower as if its midsummer.

  • What a cheerful photo, Linda! Here it is snow, and more snow in the forecast. Got my first winter heating bill, yikes. Keep warm everyone, I have got my cognac!

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  • We have snow, now: Cheshire is such an even tempered county, we rarely get extremes of any kind. So when it snows we know that other parts of the UK are pretty knee deep. The trees are becoming Christmas card like, and the lawn has disappeared.
  • Thanks, ANNETTE - I've been thinking about you and your family x
    DIBNLIB - sorry about the tooth. But you put it completely into perspective when you spoke about your friend
    PAT - a cold Advent Sunday service, then! I thought about listening to the service on Radio 3 but didn't, in the end.
    LINDY - It's a bit cold here, I keep the heating on low all the time in the Winter, just to keep the chill off the house. It seems to work better than letting the house get very cold.

  • Pretty cold here. Benson is happy in the snow but the snow gets between his pads and it can be painful for him. He goes for his haircut in just over 2 weeks so things will be easier for him then.
  • Frosty morning here too. Overnight temps drop to 31F and will go up to 68F today.
  • Hello all, and a big thankyou to Annette for managing to open up another week.

    Lindybird - love the pics of sunrise and squirrel.

    Yes, its cold down here too. Sprinkling of snow this afternoon expected to be icy in the morning not want Dau needs for going to work. Pat, know what you mean about draughty churches but of course they have to have windows and a dooor open re Covid. Didn't bother today as Dau wanted to go to her church and am stilll recovering.

    Do hope all those up North didn't suffer too much with the high winds and the snow. Take care all.

  • Max 29 C but probably hotter in car as I waited for OH at dentist. I had chosen to stitch raglans and pick up neck stitches of a warm alpaca & wool jumper that has been lurking nearly finished for too long. 33 tomorrow, a cooler 31 on Wed. Another 10 degrees and it will be unbearable.

    A rare European bird of prey has been found for the first time in eastern Australia 

  • Just a thought

    Winning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve done before. (Bonnie Blair)

  • View of the fields out of our bedroom window.....  a bit different to AQ s temps..

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