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  • So very sorry to hear your news LINDY.
  • Just back from Thanksgiving birthday visit, threaded my way through snowstorm weather on a 5 hour drive, and now checking in. I am sorry to hear the news about your brother, Linda. The girls must be in shock. The flurry of activity following deaths is exhausting yet sometimes healing.

    Hoping all other ailments are progressing for the better. I'm pouring myself a drink, in my pjs, waiting for the snow to come in now! At least my brother packed up turkey leftovers for my dinner!

    Diane, your thumbs must be aching by now typing on the phone! Blessings to all.

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Sorry I have been vague lately, not sure what I’ve said, my mind is elsewhere. OH had a small skin cancer removed from arm, requiring stitches, unnecessary major drama (he is a bloke, right?). As well he has dentist, covid jab & stitches out next week. Hence my “social” diary is already filled with his appts as he does not drive and, ahem, would not bother going, etc, etc.

    I did manage a brief camera hour one day this week. The forecast is getting too hot to be tramping the streets with camera. I wilt at 28 C.

    Our state is now 80% double vaxxed and last Tuesday the state borders opened to vaxxed people from other states. Already we have 10 positive cases from them. Many more people in quarantine because they are close or casual contacts. After months of almost no covid here, many elderlies are wary about easing restrictions. And now there is Omicron.

  • Just a thought

    Kindness is loaning someone your strength instead of reminding them of their weakness. (Andy Stanley)

  • aquilareen said:
    And now there is Omicron.

    It's already in Belgium, which means it's probably already here.  I'm worried that we've reached Omicron - that means there are at least nine variants (between Delta and Omicron) that haven't been mentioned at all.  Yeek!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Unknown said:
    Just back from Thanksgiving birthday visit, threaded my way through snowstorm weather on a 5 hour drive, and now checking in.

    Blimey.  Glad you're back safely!  I imagine you're not going far over the next few days.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning. A nice quote today AQ - not heard that description of kindness before. Sorry your OH has more medical problems, and of course a lot of the responsibility falls upon you. My OH had some small skin cancers removed a couple of years ago and it was successful - we didn't tell the family so that they didn't worry about it.

    The new variant seems to be causing panic but I think a lot of it is caused by the media. It may or may not be more aggressive or more transmissible. We shall have to see. What makes me cross is how relaxed people have become about it all, which is undoubtedly causing more spread. We went shopping in John Lewis and M&S yesterday, and some people were not bothering at all with distancing. Nor were any of the staff wearing masks.

    When we got home, I was beyond tired, as we had walked too far, to and fro, in the big shops. After a rest I found that my legs had all but seized up, and today my knees are sore. Won't be doing that again!

  • CC - Glad you're home safely from your trip. A nice touch and a treat to have turkey leftovers!!

    Thinking of Annette and hoping all is well with her and the family.
  • Morning all:

    Lindybird: Thank you.  Covid is two steps forward, one step back, etc., etc.  Daughter is utterly fed up and wants to come home with the oxiygen equipment, but of course it's more complicated than that.  Sigh.   I'm amazed at my granddaughter, who projects such a practical and positive attitidue when talking to her Mom (while I'm sure I exude too much motherly concern!).  But having seen all kinds of ghastly things as an EMT, she's able to put emotions aside.  Meanwhile, back at the 'ranch,' I spent last evening sipping (gulping?) wine and trying to help Ms. D with her math homework, which is being taught in the most peculiar way.  I agree the new variant is still an unknown and the media loves to panic everyone.  What a mess....

    AQ;  I don't think I know anyone here who hasn't had skin cancer of one kind or another.  Lots of dermatologists in the Sunbelt!  Sorry your days out with the camera are fading as the summer intensifies....

    Ms. D is up earlier than ususal thanks to busy dog, so must explore breakfast options....

  • Didn’t get into the study Friday – partly due to J being busy cleaning in here when I might have done. Having a “loose ends” day today - sorting charity Ch gifts etc with E-E right now. (seem to have got ahead of his investigations, so filling in a few minutes)

    Had a violent storm here last evening, but power stayed on, and wind decreased soon after we went to bed. Just a few things blew around the garden, and only minor damage to the big storage box we use for recycling things which aren’t collected. Cold and sunny again today.

    LINDA – so sorry about your sad news from S Africa; I know you didn’t have an easy relationship with your brother, but you will still feel the loss. I am glad his daughters were able to say goodbye to him. Sorry the trip to the big shops was too much for you; I hope the aching is wearing off now.

    DIANE – I hope your work is going well with the heat of the city to keep your fingers warm. Not sure when you are due home.

    AQ – sorry visit to doc was so muddling – good thing your OH has you to keep him sorted! I wonder whether the same rules will apply for his next visit? Good to see you managed a short camera outing. Liked the kindness quote!

    Won’t be going to church tomorrow whatever the weather as we want to cook a meal for lunchtime which I can’t tolerate in the evening! Received our emailed church magazine today – new "editor" seems to be coping with the basics, but she doesn’t really edit – typos, line endings etc not touched. Sounds as if the elders are trying hard to keep things flowing, but continuing covid precautions are not making life any easier. I see covid numbers are slowly falling again in our region.
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