HAPPY NEW WEEK and HAPPY FULL MOON and HAPPY PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE The moon turns full and the partial lunar eclipse occurs on the night through morning of 18-19 November. For exact times for your house, insert your area/town/city in the box on this page of the Time and Date website.Everyone have a joyful, serene week!!!
A yawn is a silent scream for coffee.
Without my morning coffee, I’m just like a dried–up piece of goat. (J S Bach)
If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee. (Abraham Lincoln)
The scenery on our journey home was at times, spectacular due to the autumn colours. I tried to capture some of it although I was limited both by having to take pics through the car window, and by heavy vehicles obscuring the best bits!
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Unknown said:I'm taking my computer with me in order to finish my project, but it's not set up to use WiFi, and I'd rather not use someone else's WiFi or broadband.
Aargh, my heart truly goes out to you, Diane. I know what you mean about security and someone else's network. (Though a properly secured home network is miles better than a coffee house or other public Wifi connections.) Is it impossible to download what you need and work offline in Indianapolis? I say so because firstly, I find it difficult to work when I am freezing cold. Secondly when I am somewhere else with no diversions of home and a change of scenery, I am sometimes much more focused and efficient. However, maybe I am misunderstanding your situation. I am just wishing you peace and rest in Indianapolis. Hugs to you, we will be here when you return!
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