HAPPY NEW WEEK and HAPPY FULL MOON and HAPPY PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE The moon turns full and the partial lunar eclipse occurs on the night through morning of 18-19 November. For exact times for your house, insert your area/town/city in the box on this page of the Time and Date website.Everyone have a joyful, serene week!!!
Thanks, Heather. We are now home and alright, although the house feels cold as we left it without the automatic heating on. Held up by two major roadworks on our way back, but as they are all in the way of being called "improvements" for our benefit, we shouldn't complain!
(And they should be finished by next spring, when we return)
Unknown said:oo many road work improvements are out of date by the time they're operating..
OR!!!!as I saw this posted elsewhere today CHOL:):)
Hi, all. I've decided to dog-sit for my friends in Indianapolis over the Thanksgiving holiday while they go to New York City. I'm leaving on this Saturday afternoon (the 20th), and I won't be back until Sunday the 28th. I'll have my phone with me, but I've never tried starting a new thread with it. It might be better if Annette or someone else starts it for those 2 Saturdays. Or if Annette is still having Internet problems, you can simply use the same thread until I get back. Not a big deal either way. I'm taking my computer with me in order to finish my project, but it's not set up to use WiFi, and I'd rather not use someone else's WiFi or broadband. I'm kind of rattled and distracted trying to finish this freelance project. I'm hoping I can finish it before I leave, but that's probably too ambitious. My house has been really cold, and I'll work better at my friends' place. My area is supposed to get a little warmth for the next 2 days. It's been snowing here. The cold is really bothering me this year. Maybe it's because I'm not acclimated to it yet. Anyway, I'll be in the big city for a week.