Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 October 2021

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  • OG How good you have had very valuable help from the physio.
  • Morning all:  I was reading back and haven't commented on various aches, pains and other annoying events, but hope everyone is doing better.

    CC:  Must confess I missed that bit re the alarm calls, mainly because I was still a bit dozy from the trip and was also futzing on my laptop. Perhaps the folks who combined the video and the narration didn't know the difference.  Still.....     Loved the sky dancing footage. I was wondering if that third chick would survive having hatched later, but then it fledged first.  A pushy male!  Sorry the Fall color there is a disappointment this year.  Here's a photo of one of the trees in the yard at the Prescott Valley house  (I think it's a liquidamber; there are about 6 or 7 along with pines and firs). In real life it's redder.  Again, not especially clear and never seem to have the time to figure out iPhone settings, although it's on Auto.  Oh well....

    Lindybird; Hope the drive and visit went well.

    Must get organized and go do some grocery shopping; things are getting dire!

  • When my niece returned home, she went to her Mums grave and put the 3 medals (5K,10K and full marathon) with her Mums flowers. She said she always took her medals to show her Mum and will continue to do so. Tears in my eyes hearing that.
  • DIBNLIB - quite understand your emotion. Her Mum would have been so proud, especially as she overcame her weight problem and improved her quality of life.
  • Yes Heather, As you can imagine being so overweight bought many problems including bullying at school. To turn her life round the way she has is quite remarkable.
  • How nice, Dibnlib. No wonder you felt damp around the eyes. You must be proud of her, too.

    We are back home after a successful and satisfying day visiting the family: treated them all to a lunch out, although the birthday boy ate hardly anything as he's going through a fussy stage. :-(

    We had a grand present opening session followed by chocolate birthday cake when we returned to their house. I won't bore everyone with pics but did take a lovely tree photo when we took Bonnie to the park this morning. Love your tree picture, Annette!

    I liked the golden carpets underneath the trees which were shedding.

  • OG - Pleased to hear that your new physio is so sensible, and has some useful suggestions.

    I thought that Dumfries was mentioned in the weather warnings this morning, so I'm glad to hear that you've not been washed away!

    Poor Sue found flooded lanes today in Wales, and after seeing the forecast for tomorrow she decided she'd had enough and so headed home at lunchtime. She says she still enjoyed her change of scene in spite of having such a wet time of it!

    CC - Sorry to hear you fell down in the mud! At least it softens the fall, as you say! Only your dignity damaged!

  • Reading your news don't do Halloween down here although some young families nearby are gearing up for it.

    Weather down here has been dull although we had a little sun this afternoon but virtually no rain, mind you could get some over the weekend.    Son informed us he has purchased a simple wheelchair for my OH  for when he goes to rugby as he is finding walking increasingly difficult and you can't park too close to the ground. Hopefully it will serve its purpose.   Diabetic nurse hasn't turned up yet, OH rang this afternoon and she is coming tomorrow morning.

    As promised  a couple or so pics of our new cat Milo.

       last two taken sitting on my laptop tray.

  • Off on Saturday morning for our booster jabs but don't bother with flue ones.

    See you had a good trip Annette.

    OG - hope you don't get flooded out round your way, here there has been signicent rainfall up in Scotland whereas
    we down here in the East Midlands haven't seen much.

    Busy day tomorrow with shopping arriving mid morning and Diabetic Nurse for OH earlier around 10am to show him what to do.
  • LINDA – I love seeing the autumn carpet of leaves. Some spoil sports frantically chase every last leaf.

    LYNETTE – Beautiful Milo. And what else is a laptop tray for anyway.

    Another storm yesterday evening. I fell asleep waiting for my TV program, woke at 9 pm somewhat confused & wondering why OH had turned off all the lights. No, we had a power failure. He was fast asleep in front of his TV. With camping torch I tried to read, then knit. When OH woke, he was confused but went to bed. I had trouble sleeping and I happened to be creeping through kitchen with torch at 2.45 am when, with a scream from the stove, power resumed. Six hours! News this morn says 30,000 houses were without power and still 12,000 out for a cold breakfast. Terrible damage from hailstones – cars, vines, glasshouses (veggie prices will rise). At least my veggies well watered; we had 15 mm over 2 days. I hope to watch the missed TV program (V&A Museum) on iview tonight.

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