Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 September 2021


The Harvest Moon turns full Monday night/Tuesday morning (depending on your location). The equinox is Wednesday for most of us.

(Sorry, AQ, I didn't work out when you will experience all these events. It's sweltering hot here tonight, and my brain isn't working. LOL!!!)

  • Good Morning. A misty start here again. I'm getting up early (still in bed just now) as we are off to Wales again today, after my OH has managed his game of golf.

    I see I repeated myself again, up thread!!
  • AQ - We have been to all of the main Canary Islands: Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, and Fuerteventura. All of the other islands are much smaller and most can only be reached by boat. The largest volcano is on Tenerife and is a huge mountain, however that seems to be sleeping and the most active volcano in modern times is the La Palma one which last erupted in 1971.

    The Canary Islands are named because early explorers found a great many dogs on the islands, so named them Isles of Dogs -  "canine", which got mixed into Canary. There are no native Canary birds there!

    It's sad to see how many houses are being lost to the lava flow and no one will be able to return to them even if they're not engulfed, as there won't be access and it will be too dangerous. At least up to now there have been no injuries.

    We found the volcanic history fascinating, and each island seems to have its own characteristics and customs, although they are all Spanish having been taken over by Spain in early days of history and explorers. People from mainland Spain, miles away, often have holiday properties there 

  • LINDA - Thanks for the explanation. Those poor people, first covid, now the volcano. They must wondering what their future will be. Enjoy your time in Wales - relax & slow down.

  • LINDY: Have a good time in Wales! Safe journey.
  • People generally quarrel because they cannot argue. (G K Chesterton)

    Never miss a good chance to shut up. (Will Rogers)

    If only closed minds came with closed mouths.

  • Good morning, all! Had a lovely journey yesterday and am typing this from our adorable B&B. We stopped to visit RSPB Saltholme (near Middlesbrough) on the way and we can thoroughly recommend it - and we saw our first ever merlin. Lots of photos were taken (inevitably) but can't do anything with them until we get home - the viewing and editing abilities of this laptop are very limited.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Window cleaner started on the wetroom window at 8 this morning – got himself a new afternoon job, so doing his windows earlier in the mornings. Awaiting repairman for washing machine – funny time slots they quote these days – 10:02 to 13:02! I had a good night and we are hoping to fit in a trial of my car seat later – would like to use it tomorrow.

    Friend from church phoned yesterday: there is a “Songs of Praise” soon and she wanted me to choose a song – “services” are back to every Sunday from now on. New magazine editor has also made contact with E-E – we shall be as helpful as we can but would prefer it is she develops her own style and way forward. She has gone on holiday today, so there is a delay on October issue already.

    CC – safe travels – and we’ll be here – Not intending any bits to fall off right now!

    ANNETTE – so, you now expect two to arrive – I wonder whether dog or Delilah will have snuck into the car?

    LINDA – no mist today, but quite a dull start. Enjoy Wales – I believe it could be quite wet at the weekend.

    CLARE – glad the B&B was good. Merlin are lovely to see. Our Sparrowhawk is around again (or maybe a new one) – he is so handsome and I watched him dive in among the Jap Anemones one day after a crowd of Sparrows tried to hide – he got one. Hope you get a good journey onward today.

    Going to get lunch early as man has only a one hour left to arrive – baked potato now and have main meal tonight.
  • Nice to hear from Clare & Limpy already, and that their first day is such a success. I've never seen a Merlin. Not sure I could ID it unless close up! Have a great time.