Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 August 2021


Can you believe it will be September this coming week?!!! I hope everyone has a safe and serene week. 

I keep trying to get back here to catch up with everyone, but I'm not having much luck. When I arrived back from Indianapolis, I had a long To-Do List of critical tasks. I'm slowly working through it. I'll try to stop in on Monday and do some replies.

Lindy: Have a good time in Wales. 

The 17-year cicadas are long gone, but now our regular August annual cicadas are screaming at the top of their little lungs in the trees. One day when I was dog-sitting, I looked down in horror to see that the smallest dog had vomited up a HUGE pile of cicada parts onto the carpet! She'd been feasting on the bugs outdoors. Oh...it was disgusting!!! Would you think that this innocent little doggy could create such an unholy mess?!!!

  • OG/Annette - Yes, the weekly news sheet is demanding. But not as demanding as some of the other things I have to do! I just do too much. Problem is, I enjoy all the things I do and would be hard pushed to decide what to give up. I can sympathise with EE - I can't make decisions either. I'm even useless with menus - unless they have lamb and crumble.

    Now being pushed for something I need to get out by the end of today ... at least I'm now home with everything I need to hand!
  • Whoops. Thanks Clare:  And thank YOU SunnyKate2!

  • Hello all, just looking in and see its already up to 7 pages already. Too many to trawl back but hope everyone is ok.

    Clare - 12 years is it since the Weekly Chat began, time flies.

    Just see farther down on pg 6 that it was your birthday so belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me and glad you enjoyed your meal. Agree, I prefer lamb any day and also the crumble sounded yummy too.

    Pat O , pleased you have had a few days with family but its always nice to be in your own home.

    Lindybird - do hope nephew receives his op as soon as swelling goes down.

    Reading between the lines on this page (6) I see a few of you have been having adventures of one kind or another. Hope alls well after them.

    Been miserable weather down here, quite cloudy with very little sunshine - I even noticed the heating had come on briefly this morning as the temp had gone down to below 19. Off on Saturday for our 5 day break so am hoping the weather will be kind to us.
  • Oh darn, I've just closed the thread without posting, lost everything. I'll try later!
  • PAT – When he was very young, our G-son would chant “digger digger digger” as we drove past any roadmaking equipment.

    HEATHER – Bad luck. I always prepare my waffle in Word and cut & paste to prevent loss.

    I hibernated today as a hot north wind was blowing dust & pollen. Showers overnight should improve air. I spent most of the day spring cleaning my computer. Deleting files does not produce dust as would paper flinging.

  • Just a thought

    Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it. (Albert Schweitzer)

  • Oh, heck Heather- definitely a swearyword moment!

    Good Morni g Everyone. Rather grey here, too, Annette, although the forecast said the sun might peep through occasionally.

    Early morning conversation:

    Husband- "Where are my black shorts, I might wear them today - are they in the ironing basket?"

    Wife- "What black shorts, you don't have any!?"

    Husband- "We took them away with us but I didn't wear them. Are they still in the suitcase?"

    Wife- trying to get brain in gear as still in bed - "You have some navy blue shorts... you've never had black ones."

    Husband- "Well, they're a sort of blue black...."

    Wife slaps forehead & points Husband at suitcase with navy blue shorts in.....

  • Well LINDY, your OH reminds me of mine, yet again ! Happy belated birthday..
    I hope that the injured cyclist has had his op...
    OG - It must be hard for you both, EE probably did enjoy his extra mural activities and didn't realise how stressful it was all becoming. Regarding the family get together - plenty of lateral flow testing stuff available. Most have tested and all OK. I haven't tested. No particular reason.
    ANNETTE - It wasn't a birthday or anything. Just a chance for the family to be together before son in law flies off to Adelaide, via Qatar. I heard last night about the wild fire - 700 homes destroyed ?
    I have run out of brain power - know there are several other replies to make. Will wait and see if they pop back in to my head!
  • Heather - The cyclist has been told he'll have to wait till next week, for the swelling to go down & the bone specialist to be available to get to work on him. Meanwhile, he's on morphine. He was in a group of 3 friends, cycling together along the N. Wales coast, when he looked behind him to see if the man behind was OK. He was OK, but then Nephew caught his pedal on the kerb and went over - thank goodness they were in a cycle lane or a car could have been involved, too.

    I don't recommend needing an ambulance in that part of the UK as they are famously slow, apparently - he waited over 3 hours to be collected and then it was nearly 4 hours after the accident before he was examined.

    Glad your family enjoyed their get together with you and your son. Good Luck to him, Down Under!! (I'm told the natives there are friendly....)