Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 August 2021


I hope everyone has a joyful, wonderful week. Be careful and stay safe, folks. 

    I read and empathised with your thoughts and feelings regarding events in Afghanistan x
    My middle daughter's ex served there, caught up in IED explosions . He was leading a patrol one time and although thrown into the air was uninjured. Unfortunately others were. He managed to recover enough to call in helicopter to rescue the injured. They were under fire the whole time while waiting. Also, my cousins young cousin by marriage lost his life in Afghanistan in 2009 . He was only 20. I wish things had turned out better for that sad country....

  • Dreadful memories of awful times for those who have served, Heather. Sad to see some of those who did a tour in Afghanistan now saying that they feel as if it was all for nothing, now.

    My OH picked a huge amount of blackberries in the hedgerow next to the allotment today. They don't keep, so he set to and made a big batch of blackberry, and also blackberry & apple jam. Then he cleaned up the kitchen afterwards -- how good is that! Meanwhile, I read some old papers which I'd wanted to digest before I threw them out, wrote letters, and repackaged a dress I sent for but had now decided just wasn't "me", so I will return it tomorrow.

    Our neighbour (on the other side) came around to thank my OH for some phone numbers of locals she had needed to get in touch with - she had managed to get a result and so was very grateful. She brought her youngest daughter with her, who is such a smiley baby! As they talked about local events in the doorstep, I made faces at the baby..... such fun!!
  • Just a thought

    You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream. (Les Brown)

  • Grey and damp here, again. Quiet on the threads without our USA friends....

    Hope that also, OG and EE are going along alright.
  • Still quiet!

    Took g'daughter to St Pancras today to meet her mother for the final leg of her journey home.
    She is twelve, so we had to do a Covid test. I delivered it to the Priority postbox before we left for the station.
    Fortunately, it is only the one test for her, as the regulations changed while she was away.

    She travelled on the flight as an unaccompanied minor, which upset her dignity, although she was given a whole row of seats to herself!