Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 August 2021

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  • HEATHER: Enjoy your family visit!!!
  • HEATHER Enjoy your family visit.

    Sadly OHs Dad died late morning yesterday. Thank goodness he didn't linger too long.
  • @dibnlib.

    Sad,but as you say he didn't linger..Love ,Prayers and Hugs to you all.
  • DIBNLIB - That the best you could have hoped for, for his Dad and the family. Sending hugs x
  • AQ/Clare:  Written by a bloke and also out of date given that stainless steel (now fingerprint resistant! so they say) is the 'in' appliance finish.  Still, can't say I've spotted any brides wearing shiny armor recently.

    AQ:  Re font size, could it be Fat Finger syndrome? That happens to me quite often when I'm texting....

    Diane:  Huh. Sooo interesting about the deer.   I wonder if it was always there?  And if it's circulating, it's also probably evolving.....  Oh joy....

    Heather:  I found a chocolate smear on a door at 10-year-old height after family left....   

    dibnlib:  Condolences to your OH; as you say, his Dad didn't linger, so something to be grateful for.  Take care.

  • Condolences to your OH, dibnlib: sorry to hear your news but perhaps it's for the best.

    Heather, enjoy your family. You can rest, afterwards!

    Began dull & damp here today, but brightened up after lunch. We managed a beachside walk but nearly got blown away, as very very blustery! Now watching the Olympics, which we'd have missed a lot of this year as our coverage has not been as much as usual.

    AQ - A saying which always made me cross was that "Women have small feet so that they can stand near to the sink!!". Grr. ...
  • Lindybird said:
    A saying which always made me cross was that "Women have small feet so that they can stand near to the sink!!". Grr. ...

    A bit inaccurate for me and my size 8's!  Agree, ridiculous saying.

    Dibnlib, all our best to you and yours.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lindy, I know what you mean. two or three weeks back when I was in A&E, blood was taken and the bruise left lasted about a fortnight, the latest talen at my procedure last Thursday is still there although it is fading. Mind you I have to confess I am on a blood thinner and this makes it worse.

    See you are in Wales again, enjoy the break and glad the family enjoyed their stay there.

    Been reading all your news, folks. Thanks for sharing. Not much to say down here. Dau has just gone away for 10 days meeting up with a friend and going over to the Isle of Wight. Happy memories of our honeymoon there and also family visits in years gone by.
  • Have a good weekend all and may the sun shire fairly on you.
  • dibnlib: My sympathies to you and your OH.

    Rose Pink mountain wildflowers
    Labeled public domain (copyright free)

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