Continued from Manton Bay – July 2021.
The history of the Manton Bay nest, breeding stats and links to previous threads can be found here.
2021 Season Summary: On 19 March, Blue 33(11) returned at 12:29 and Maya at 12:52. Three eggs were laid, #1 on 30 March at 11:45, #2 seen on 2 April at 07:34 and #3 on 5 April at 07:05. Sadly only two eggs hatched, the first on 8 May at 19:51 and the second on 10 May at 19:48, one being unviable. The chicks were ringed on 19 June. Chick #1, a male, was fitted with the blue darvic 096 and Chick #2, a female, was fitted with blue 095 . At 54 days old, Blue 096 fledged at 12:12 on 1 July and Blue 095, aged 53 days old, at 11:12 on 2 July. On 22 August at 09:10, Blue 095 aged 104 days old, set off on migration and 3 minutes later, 09:13, Blue 096 aged 106 days old left. Maya and Blue 33(11) remained and finally set off - Maya on 30 August and Blue 33(11) the next morning on 31 August.
Webcam/Copyright: © Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust
096 is 98 days old
and 095 is 96 days old
© Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust
096 still on the nest and calling.
Loose feather - I wonder if that was down to 095's talon yesterday?
10:07 Someone approaching - 096 calling
they fly overhead and 096 takes off
10:34 33 arrives with a stick
33 quickly takes off
as 096 lands most likely thinking 33 has a fish!
096 mantles
close up of 096
10:40 096 continues to call. He must be hungry as I don't think he got anything yesterday!
11:05 096 calling and getting into retrieve position!
33 arrives with a huge live fish
33 flies off and 096 keeps hold of the fish
11:09 096 begins to tear at the fish
096 wing flapping and mantling protecting his fish
close up
11:19 threat appears to have passed and 096 tucks in again
Must go !! Will try to look back later - BFN
14:21 096 has remained on the nest with his fish since receiving it from 33 earlier !!
some captures of him from earlier
He certainly has eaten well today.
14:41 096 alert and starts wing flapping
hops across the nest
then 096 takes off with the fish
Suspect this is 095 approaching
095 gives chase
then 095 lands on the nest
close up of her