WEEKLY CHAT (Non-Osprey) JULY 18, 2021

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  • Good Morning. Annette, it's lovely to see family but it's sooo tiring trying to keep up with them. Hope you can catch some rest.

    Dibnlib- its sad when a friend moves away- however much you say you'll keep in touch it's just not the same as having a good natter face to face.

    Still bright sunshine here and I'm going to keep out of it, mainly. Not as hot in bed last night thank goodness.
  • Update on OG

    Tuesday evening EE was with OG when she was transferred to Respiratory Ward in DGRI.  She got a good welcome from the nursing team allocated to her.  I left her settled in for the night, and hope she will be a little less 'unhappy' in the new surroundings - still a single room (standard for DGRI), but with a slightly better view of some outside planting.  Air conditioning is provided throughout, fairly effective except where the sun shines straight in, but this room faces North and should not get overheated.  She has started telling people she feels a little bit better than the day before - which is progress.  Visiting is still restricted to two named persons (EE and J) but a bit more relaxed about number of times per day (CAU insisted only once person per day!).

  • Hi, all. I'm back home. I've caught up with your posts, but I probably won't try to go back so far to make replies. I'm not concentrating very well.

    Annette, sounds like you're worn out. I will start the new thread on Saturday night. No worries.

    Eagle-eye: I'm glad that OG's situation has improved a bit and she's feeling a little better. I hope that's an indication that the antibiotics are working. Very good that the visitation rules are a little more flexible. Maybe she won't feel so lonely. Please give her my love.

  • EE - Thank you for the update. I do hope OG is more comfortable in her new surroundings and that she will soon be well enough to come home. Many years ago I visited someone in DGRI and can confirm that if you have to be in hospital it's probably in the very top layer for care and surroundings. Please send her my continued thoughts and prayers - and for you and J as well.
  • EE - Thanks for better news. My thoughts & prayers are with OG as well as you & J.

    DIANE - Welcome home. Take it easy for a few days and rest.

    Chilly night, down to 3 C; now it has crept up to 12 C. Only one new covid case in our state yesterday, 6 more today, but over 50 exposure sites, but it is early days. I decided that 3 of my 8 library books are not worth reading - booooring. I have been mixing & matching colours for more beanies and started 3 new ones. Some colours look peculiar in electric light, so matching is a day task. Must dash, time to turn mince, onions, tomatoes into meat pie.

  • I was sorry to hear my name mentioned as one of the great authors, because they have a sad habit of dying off. Chaucer is dead, so is Milton, so is Shakespeare, and I am not feeling very well myself. (Mark Twain)

    An autobiography usually reveals nothing bad about its writer except his memory. (Franklin P. Jones)

    Your manuscript is both good and original; but the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good. (Dr. Samuel Johnson, to an aspiring writer)

  • EE Thanks for the update. So pleased that OG has been moved to a room with a view and that she is feeling a little better. That is such good news.

    Met my wheelchair friend at Simpsons yesterday and after coffee we had a wee wander and I pointed out a plant I would like to add to our rockery. I didn't buy it as wasn't sure if OH would be happy to dig out a heather where I thought the new plant should go. Friends daughter bought me home and a little while later I got a message that my friend had left something at the door. She had only gone back to Simpsons and bought me the plant!!!. OH has just finished planting it.
  • EE Thank you for the news of OG. I know how much she hates being in hospital. She is a very perceptive lady who soon sees the silliness of some of the regimes/routines practised ! I remember her frustrations when she had to spend a few weeks there after her fracture/sepsis a few years ago. Anyway, she is now in a better, more patient friendly area. Regarding the food, I seem to remember that you took sandwiches and snacks to her at that time? Please give her my very best wishes - and I hope that she will continue to improve and escape soon.
  • ANNETTE - My son and family are arriving in a couple of weeks time, staying for a week. I'm tired already !
  • This is the plant my friend gave me.  I only mentioned she was in a wheelchair as it showed the trouble she went to.  Her daughter would have driven her back to the garden centre where she would have to put the wheelchair together and then take it apart again for my friend to get back in the car.

    Think my OH will be driving down to Oxford on Sunday,  a journey of over 500 miles.  His sister phoned last night to say his Dad had taken a fall and is in The John Radcliffe in Oxford.  He has facial fractures and a small bleed on the brain and while it isn't life threatening at the moment his Dad is 89 and OHs Sister who lives with her Dad needs some support.

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