Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 June 2021


I hope everyone has a wonderful summer week! 

  • Annette, the cottage is a ruin which is now uninhabited. Leftover from when there was a village in the area where the picture was taken from, all occupied by open cast slate miners. The slate was then transported down to ships and taken across to Ireland. The beach looks inviting but is actually small pebbles- we walked down the winding path a few years ago and I had to stop and take my breath several times on the way back up! Can't do it at all, now.

    We did some gardening this afternoon in the flowerbed we can see from our little verandah. The owners of the Site are very lazy and don't even come and pick up the leaves which fall from the palm trees. We have taken over the flowerbed and put in more flowering plants to enjoy, so end up weeding it, too. At least others have said that they enjoy our efforts!
  • Thank you Diane for starting us off. See its quite hot over there. We are experiencing a heatwave too. Afraid I tend to sit inside in the lounge where its coolest. Not a big sun worshiper although it does brighten up ones day.

    AQ, see you couldn't get done what you wanted to on Sunday. We are back in church now allbeit social distanced but it is not the same as we are not allowed to sing. One hums it to oneself. We do go outside for the last hymn and congregate in the car park -quite uplifting.

    Annette - see that you have been scurrying around getting jobs done before your heatwave arrives. Hopefully it will not pose any threats like fires.
  • Clare, that's brilliant news. Every success to Helen. Let's hope Limpy's driving licience will arrive soon.

    Lindybird - you seem to be having a lovely time in Wales.

    Pat O - how nice to be able to meet up with friends and enjoy each others company for a while.
  • Good Morning. Bright again here so we're hoping for a relaxing day. Looks as if a lot of the UK was super hot yesterday, although it was only warm & sunny here, for most of Wales.

    Everyone have a good day!
  • If you ask me anything I don’t know, I’m not going to answer. (Lawrence “Yogi” Berra)

    I told myself I should stop drinking, but I’m not about to listen to a drunk who talks to himself.

    Of course I talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice.

  • Congrats to LIMPY & HELEN. Your turn next CLARE.

    Long lunch & catchup chat with Friend today. Wonderful.

  • Good morning, all.  I took Limpy to Bempton Cliffs last week to celebrate his birthday - if you'd like to see some photos click on this lovable character:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare - Thank you so much for the lovely photographs. So glad you and your camera are out and about again. Looks as though you had a lovely outing. It's a privilege to share it with you and Limpy.
  • Super pics CLARE ! Thank you.
    Thanks also to all for your news. I have none, except that my new gardeners came yesterday and cut all the edges of the grass, properly, with edging tools. Today they came and cut the grass. I'm trying not to look at the weeds that are growing well in the borders... At some point the back garden may look as it is supposed to!
  • Morning all: Been busy with freelance assignment this morning: Organizations are beginning to schedule events, the particular ones I've chosen are all outdoor, which is even better, just in case.... One of the events is an airshow where the Air Force's demonstration fighter plane team is led by a woman! Yay! Meanwhile, we are blessed with cooler-than-forecast temperatures on a potentially really hot day by what the weather forecast guy calls "Mother Nature's Air Conditioning" - a bank of cloud hovering over the beach... Yay again! We are lucky.