I hope everyone has a fun and joyful week! The Cicadas are now singing their high-pitched, rattle-screeching song from all the trees on my patch. The noise is overwhelming! I've been turning the radio up indoors, because the ebb-and-flow of their continuous screaming becomes mind-numbing. I revere all Earth's creatures, but I'm glad these critters only visit every 17 years.On Thursday, 10 June, a rare Ring-of-Fire Solar Eclipse will occur. Most people won't be able to see the full eclipse with the fiery ring live, but you can watch a partial eclipse if you go outdoors. The partial eclipse is visible in the U.K. I will see part of the partial. Bjane will see a short partial eclipse. Annette and AQ won't be able to see the eclipse at all, unless you watch it online. Insert the name of your nearest town/city in the Eclipse Lookup box on this page for the eclipse times and visibility in your location. The page also provides info about this eclipse. The website, Time and Date, is safe.
You can watch a live stream of the full RING-of-FIRE Eclipse online HERE. Also at Time and Date.EDIT: I forgot to mention that you'll need eye protection if you watch this week's solar eclipse. I'm sure most folks know that eye protection is required for any solar eclipse, but this is a public forum and I felt a responsibility to include the warning.
DIANE – Thank you, I am feeling brighter. I had looong phone chat with Travel Friend (not that we are travelling these days) and we finished by choosing a time to meet for lunch. There is a café that has lots of space plus not very busy early in week.
OG: I also saw the reports and pictures of the NSW mouse plague. I revere all Earth's creatures, but that many mice made me shudder!!! I'm not afraid of them, but the little critters aren't smart enough to stay away from humans. So, I hate getting one in the house because they always seem to want to be near me. LOL I'm glad you're feeling a little better.
OG - Hope you're feeling better, even though your poor leg is complaining! Toffee is a boy, and yesterday was a rather bad boy, as he was let off the lead in some small woods near here but decided to immediately run back the way they had come, and thence to the main road. Sue had her sons dog with her also, and although she is pretty fit she can't run any more, so with a pounding heart she had to follow and hope. Toffee had reached the road but got distracted by finding a barn to explore, so he was recaptured. Today he was kept on his lead!
Another white poppy opened today, and I caught a bee paying a visit.
Pretty thingummies!!
RSPB Giving Nature a Home