Telyn & Idris are raising 2 healthy osplets, #1 & #3, following the accidental suffocation of #2.
Update - end July
Almost synchronised ruffle:
Kind regards, Ann
Birdies LG DU update.
Thanks for that MIKE
One chick is using its sibling as a pillow whilst Telyn has a thorough preen
Unknown said:I certainly hope she did not swallow anything, but then if she had, perhaps the plastic would be ejected along with the usual pellets containing scales, bones, etc.
That's what I thought (if she had swallowed) when I was watching her behaviour - but I thought she was spitting out all the bits.
I told her I hoped she'd disposed of it responsibly
Idris was watching Telyn eat:
Wonderful colour eyes:
What an AMAZING tribute to dear Monty...