Telyn & Idris are raising 2 healthy osplets, #1 & #3, following the accidental suffocation of #2.


Update - end July




Almost synchronised ruffle:


  • I can;t see the ring number of the juvie on the nest perch but the other has just flown, alarm calling, from Monty's perch
  • 16 August

    Early get-together, one missing:

    As reported by MIKE on previous page:

    He donated it, deheaded, to nest, the Dysynni ate a load and flew up to perch with it, leaving sib hungry:

    Two "out there", only just visible:

    Ystwyth got fish eventually Slight smile  He left a big part on the nest so he wasn't starving:

    Then Idris with a new fish - Ystwyth went back to the nest and reclaimed the one he left there:

    Everyone's OK:

    Repeat scene, tho I don't know the personnel:

    One chick visited nest thereafter, and when it left the cam was empty for the night.


  • Dsynni on the nest shouting for all he's worth and joined now and again by his sister from Monty's perch, sitting next to mum
    (SCYLLA Ystwyth is a she)
  • MC. The personnel on the nest are Idris, Dysinni(M) and Ystwyth(F)
  • Thank you, PATILY & MIKE Hugging

    It was only yesterday that I managed to put the right (I hope) names to the numbers, mighta know'd I hadn't finished revising Grin


  • 17 August

    Telyn got a earbashing from Ystwyth on a wet morning - Dysynni was on the nest:

    Flyers from right to left, impossible to distinguish what they were, no wings seen flapping:

    Telyn delivered, both chicks waiting:

    Idris must have been fishing but I didn't see him with a fish - surely he didn't feel the need to bathe on this rainy day:

    Dysynni about to drop the fish skin, but something else had to go first:

    Two "out there" again:

    Idris with headless Mullet for Ystwyth:

    No zoom available, I'm assuming this is Dysynni getting supper from Telyn:

    After the family had left, the corvids searched for scraps:


  • Lovely captur of Idris drying his 'raggy' wings
  • 490/Dsynni tackling a fish tail when I looked in; now flown
  • 18 August

    The cam went down just before 04:00.

    Telyn brought the first fish - not a whopper but it got shared between the two.

    Dysynni hung around, first on the low perch then on Monty's, then (I theorise) he saw sib "out there" and had a stretch in preparation for flying out to her:

    I've just thrown my toys out of the pram because there was a distant event that I can't show you or consult you about because videos are forbidden.  I could advise you to try rollback but there's no timeline on Dyfi so that's made more difficult too.  As I said, I've thrown my toys out of the pram... big time.  I know I'd get flamed for ranting so I'm away to cool off on a friendlier cam.

    Suffice to say they both got at least one more fish.