Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 April 2021


I hope everyone has a joyful, safe week! Be sure to check back to last week's thread to see Lindy's photos and other posts!

  • Thanks DIANE. I believe Moderna & Pfiser are similar or based on same method. A-Z different approach. As long as the vaccine prevents hospital or worse, I don't care how it attacks those spiky things. I chose my location because it is almost the only one in western suburbs reasonably close to me. Anyway it is my regular GP clinic. I don't suppose you were given any donuts with the jab!

  • AQ: Not even a little plain donut!
  • There was some talk here a while ago about 'mixing' the vaccines. Fortunately that seems to have been dropped. My niece, a medical professional, has read a lot around the different vaccines and her opinion is that if your second jab does not match the first then you will need a second jab of the second vaccine (hope you are all following this!). Don't know how accurate that is, but I'm pleased to say both my jabs were Pfizer!

    Another beautiful sunny day here - and I'm stuck to my computer screen for an all-day, very difficult and controversial conference meeting. These meetings happen twice a year, normally 'in person', and almost without exception the sun shines! Still, at least I haven't had to drive for miles in Saturday morning traffic, try to find a parking place, realise my packed lunch is still in the kitchen (yes, it's happened!!) and have to top up on Danish pastries - delicious, but not exactly healthy! We now have a coffee break - at 11.45am - how long until lunch, I ask myself?!?!?
  • PatO;  Gosh, an all-day controversial conference sounds like no fun at all; still, as you were on Zoom hope you could have surreptitiously organized a book or crossword out of view so you could tune-out at times?   

    Lindybird: Hope you're feeling more up than down today.

    First World Whine alert:  Bought what I thought was a Royal Trumpet Vine (dark purple with yellow throat) a month or so ago (it was in a group of vines with that designation).  It's now put out the first flowers and it's a Scarlet Trumpet Vine, which is actually more orange than scarlet and definitely not my favorite color.   Grrrrr     Think I'll pop up to the nursery in a bit to clue them in and see what happens....

  • I've just brought Limpy back from having his second Pfizer jab! Yay!!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Annette - I wasn't able to 'tune out' with a book or a crossword, as there were too many items on which we had to vote. So I had to stay reasonably alert. It was just as stressful as I had expected - but shorter by almost an hour, which was good. I think we were all relieved to get the whole thing over. I did manage to get out during the lunch break for a quick walk and some fresh air, and trying to refocus both my eyes and my brain. Now all I want to do is sleep!

    Hope everyone has been able to enjoy the lovely weather and a relaxing day.
  • As suggested earlier in the week, we are now busy emptying kitchen drawers and cupboards and trying to find one another in the crowded dining room! I am not very useful, but they do sometimes heed my good ideas!

    Good to see more people getting their vaccines. Ours were both Pfizer..

    I am hearing loud "discussions" in the kitchen - must investigate!.
  • Sounds like a tiring day, Pat. But at least it was an hour shorter.

    I want a doughnut now!!! Not had one in ages.

    I felt less tired and down this morning, but this afternoon we had news of someone in the family with a rather knotty and also rather upsetting problem. Not one of our children. It exercised my brain somewhat, and also got me angry. The other party involved would certainly get a bit of my tongue if I met her!! <sigh> Why do people have to be so disagreeable?
  • As AQ is ahead of us, I will wish her a HAPPY ANZAC DAY.
  • Annette pleased to hear your anniversary meal went well and that you enjoyed yourselves. Nothing like going out and having a meal cooked for you with no washing up.

    Clare - hope you enjoy your visit to Mull. Whilst living in Scotland we took a trip over and then onto Iona, such a tranquil and moving place.

    OG - read that you are now preparing old kitchen by emptying cupboards so new one can be fitted. Hope all goes according to plan.

    Had second jab on Thursday, the AstroZenica one. First one I had a reaction but nothing this time.. Now fully vaccinated although there is talk of possible once a year jabs like the flu one. We'll have to wait and see. Slowly moving towards lockdown ending, just hope common sense prevails and people will be mindful of distancing where nescessary.

    Have been reading through quickly all about your news, do appreciate learning what you have all been up to but can't reply to all so apologies for missing anyone out.

    AQ - just read that you have booked for your jab, is that first or second one. OH really ought to go and have one you don''t really want to see what its like if one contracts Covid.