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  • Sandra P said:
    Have noticed over the past couple of days (at various times), a swarm of insects (unable to ID) hovering to the left and over the the nest,

    Where's Len when you need him? Last seen at Poole I think

  • Still on his way travelling North I expect, Korky! SpiderGrinning 

  • Good morning

    Scrolling back, there have been a few early morning matings.

    This caught my eye around 7:15. NC0 flapped and left the nest, flying off to the right then left over the Loch behind the trees. She came back round heading for the nest - Laddie was behind her with a fish 

    She appeared to fly up behind the cam. Laddie landed on the nest with a headless fish then he flew off with it


  • Sandra she lay in the nest cup for a good 15 minutes this morning, around 7 ish,  I was hoping she was going to lay an Easter egg, but she flew away.  I seen Laddie with fish on nest also, no sign of NC0 so he flew away with it after a few minutes. 


  • Hi Mary,

    She's been looking very comfortable and, hopefully, has now decided this is the nest to lay her egg(s). Fingers crossed

  • Checking back...

    Someone in @ 05:30 - Laddie!  Joined by NC0, 2 good matings and multiple misfire (not NC's fault) follow:

    Next time he ballsed it up she gave him what for:

    I'm doing a vid of the missed fish but it's still ongoing Open mouth Open mouth Open mouth

  • scylla said:
    I'm doing a vid of the missed fish but it's still ongoing

    And still unresolved, she's still standing on the nest alone.

  • Thank you, Scylla

    Laddie came to the nest and flew off again, still with the fish, just before 10:05


  • 10:45 Laddie back to the nest...with the fish!

    He took it away again


  • 11:22 Laddie back with tail end of fish

    Where is NC0?


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