GLASLYN OSPREYS - APRIL 2021 to end of FEB 2022

March thread.

This post updated 01 June

MrsG returned on the 25th of March and was joined by Aran on the 29th.

 (The beginning of the reunion video is a must-see for all fans of MrsG - I'm posting it today 01 June, to remind us of a happy time before the tragedies of May 2021.)

The month of May brought unrelenting wind, rain and corvids, as well as persistent intruder KS8 (among others) - and Aran somehow injured his right wing, rendering him unable to fish.  Within a few days all the chicks had sickened and died.  It could hardly have been more stressful for MrsG and Aran, but they are recovering together while the caring Glaslyn team is supplying fish each night.

(The chicks' bodies have been removed from the nest by Aran and MrsG, so we shall never know the cause of their deaths.)

In the right margin of this page are links to Glaslyn's posts documenting the misfortunes on the nest.


All pictures and videos in this thread are (link to website)

©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife


  • So pleased all is going well with Aran's healing . Wish he'd bring Mrs G a fish but oh well,. Have to say I mistook Hesgyn for Aran but so like his dad, just with he could have had Monty's eye colour.

  • Chat doesn't go far enough back for me to really get a picture, so to speak, but I gather than KA3 has been back again, sitting on the nest while Mrs G quietly eats a fish!!  I have no idea when he landed, or how long he was there.  There were also comments of a report from the VC that three or four osprey were seen in the air - I think while KA3/Hesgyn was on the nest. 

    Edit - to keep the timing correct. 

    Going back on the cam, about four hours, so ca 11.30, the cam zoomed to the spruce and a very blurred Mrs G, who was joined by another, possibly Aran, but equally it might have been KA3 - they are very similar!  She flew back to the nest, moved some sticks and appeared to be food soliciting.  (Edit  -  I posed the question on chat, and was informed it was indeed KA3!!  - although this was later changed to ARAN who was sitting with Mrs G in the spruce )

    When he landed, she was food soliciting!!

    I am not sure when the fish and Mrs G arrived.

    14.44  Mrs G still with her fish, which looks like a mackerel to me

    14.51 Mrs G got really het up about the close presence of a corvidi

    It took the hint and disappeared, but then Mrs G intruder called, loudly

    14.52  an intruder attempted to land (Glaslyn thought it was a mating attempt, cheeky monkey), but Mrs G was having nothing to do with it.

    and it flew off

    14:54   BGGW VC  It was KA3. I  spotted him on a tree through the telescope.

    14.57  She is still intruder screeching!

    15:00   BGGW VC​  We captured an image of his leg ring as he made his mating attempt. I spotted him on the tree Mrs G and Aran were on together earlier on.

    She continued to give random intruder calls.  She could clearly sense or see where he was, but he wasn't in our view, nor, I suspect the camera.

    She is more relaxed now, but there is still no sign of Aran

    Edit 16.21  The person who answered my question "was it Aran or KA3?" has come back and apologised.  It was ARAN with Mrs G in the spruce.  It makes more sense, particularly as Mrs G was food soliciting!

    © Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • And today's saga continues and it's confusing. 

    Around/after 16.00  KA3/Hesgyn flew on the the nest and began moving sticks, looking very much at home.  Mrs G intruder called from the perch, with her fish.   Then KS6/Dinas attempted to land on the nest, but KA3 flapped wings and KS6 landed on the perch near the nest.   They are brothers, different years.  KA3 saw KS6 off and stayed on the nest.  Mrs G's calls continued but not so persistently.

    I guess they were trying to zoom in on KS6 leg ring, but the cam dropped!

    KA3 stayed on the nest

    He lifted off, the cam tried to follow but didn't succeed.  It might have been another mating attempt, and then he flew off.  An osprey was caught flying low beyond the nest.  I thought I heard intruder chips so whether Aran is around I'm not sure.

    KA3 (possibly) flew back toward and over Mrs G on the perch.  Intruder chips were heard.  Aran? KS6? KA3?!!

    16.54  and KA3 returned to the nest rim once more, with Mrs G calling.

    He stayed there until 17.07 when he flew off, and all along Mrs G was intruder calling, but not viciously.

    Mrs G remained stoically holding on to her fish!

    It would be so much more helpful if they had a time line.  I had great difficulty in sorting it all out!!


    © Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Gosh Sheila, such amazing commentary you've achieved with the events there - thank you so much!
    I agree about having a time line. It can get very confusing when scrolling through footage and trying to make the best 'guestimates'.
  • Sandra P said:
    Gosh Sheila, such amazing commentary you've achieved with the events there - thank you so much!

    Heartily seconded Dizzy faceHugging

    Sandra P said:
    I agree about having a time line. It can get very confusing when scrolling through footage and trying to make the best 'guestimates'.

    Even  more heartily seconded!  As you may remember, I managed to get the cam screen-capturing on a netbook with added timeline, but it didn't last long as the netbook broke Tired face

    I've still got all the footage from the past 2-3 days but can't face tackling it - however, some of SHEILA's snaps are so inspiring... I also can't face throwing it all away Rolling eyes Blush

  • All I can say girls, is : I agree. Very many thanks Sheila
  • 05 July

    MrsG flew in to the perch early, while cam still shifting between night and day - quite soon, Aran joined her, they wandered between nest and perch and when it started raining they both left.  A couple of corvids took advantage:

    MrsG was back on the nest before 09:00, moved to perch for a preen:

    Intrusions!  The youngsters took advantage while Aran was fishing (presumably), don't know where MrsG was Rolling eyes

    KA3, KS6 & Z2

    (I hope this is playable - YouTube is saying "checks [for copyright] are taking longer than usual".)

    Aran brought a FISH for MrsG Hugging ... After handover an intruder flew by and the nest residents chipped, then MrsG inexplicably bashed Aran with her wing - we've seen her do that before, maybe when she thinks he should be giving chase ???  Chipping went on, both flew.

    MrsG ate her fish way out on an oak, accompanied by Aran:

    They were still there when the cam went back to the empty nest, this covers up to about 13:50.


  • Thank you Scylla, I had a day in the garden and wasn't keeping a close eye on the nest today.
    Oh my goodness, what young up-starts, or perhaps chancers. Isn't Z2 on the near Pont Croesor nest. May be he was keeping his territory safe and seeing off KA3 and KS6. I can't imagine he is suddenly worried about the closeness of Aran and Mrs G. They have lived nearby for quite a few month now without znt friction.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Mrs G standing quietly on the right side of the nest rim, almost like a statue watching towards the trees Waiting for a fish perhaps Evidently shewas on the nest perch all night