GLASLYN OSPREYS - APRIL 2021 to end of FEB 2022

March thread.

This post updated 01 June

MrsG returned on the 25th of March and was joined by Aran on the 29th.

 (The beginning of the reunion video is a must-see for all fans of MrsG - I'm posting it today 01 June, to remind us of a happy time before the tragedies of May 2021.)

The month of May brought unrelenting wind, rain and corvids, as well as persistent intruder KS8 (among others) - and Aran somehow injured his right wing, rendering him unable to fish.  Within a few days all the chicks had sickened and died.  It could hardly have been more stressful for MrsG and Aran, but they are recovering together while the caring Glaslyn team is supplying fish each night.

(The chicks' bodies have been removed from the nest by Aran and MrsG, so we shall never know the cause of their deaths.)

In the right margin of this page are links to Glaslyn's posts documenting the misfortunes on the nest.


All pictures and videos in this thread are (link to website)

©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife


  • Thank you, SANDRA - I knew Blue24 had failed to return but wasn't sure if HR7 had been seen. CIRRUS is going to be very, very sad.
  • I have to take a break - with so much to do :( There's been a lot more activity on this nest, including an intruder flyover much earlier, BGGW said it flew on to Pont Croesor.


  • Th ank you SCYLLA forthe video I see Aran didn't share my enthusuasm for Roli's return LOL!

    I am sad about B24 and HR7 non appearance and asked whether they could be nesting elsewhere after that awful disturbanceat the end of last season but evidently an extensive search was made Onthe other hand it is evidently highly unusual to lose both and one at least could still be alive I like to thnk they could both be out there withnew nests/partners
  • Oh wow, Patily, what a story! It is so wonderful that that doctor's estimate was wrong and I do hope you (and the rest of us!) will be around for a lot longer. I read last night about the Glaslyn intruder being Roli and it made me smile with happiness; I remember that young Roli did not play dead when given his bling but attacked the ringer--so like his obstreperous Mum! And it is soooo fabulous that Blue 24 has had a chick return, in spite of only ever having 3 chicks herself that we know of! Now, having heard your story, I am grinning broadly and shouting "Yes!" myself, in spite of having a tear or two in my eye, I hope that Roli returns again, nests somewhere in northwest Wales and that you (and we!) will see him have chicks of his own!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • I was really touched to hear your story, Patily.  Having met you at Rutland I was aware of your situation and in awe of your travels since then.  I just love your determination and the joy ospreys have given you.  Long may it continue.

    Wowee!!  Wonderful to hear of the return of KA5(19)m Roli.  Some chicks really leave their mark in our hearts for one reason or another, and to know they have safely over-wintered and now returned makes Roli somewhat special.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • It reads as tho Aran was sky dancing when he brought a fish in to the nest, but there seems to have been a confusion as the cam moved at the time, and queries over an intruder.  

    15:23 BGGW VC  ​It may actually have been Aran arriving with a fish and announcing it to Mrs G. He landed just after we moved the camera.

    15:56 Gail Edgley  ​As soon as the camera moved it all went quiet. Must have been Aran then - sods law the camera missed him landing!

    16:07 Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife  ​The bund camera caught him landing, but we changed the livestream view in case an intruder landed.

    Aran and Mrs G are in the old oak tree, with a fish, but I am unsure who has it!

    © Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • It's been the same view on the cam for hours!

    I'm packing up, having done nothing anyway - it's been one o' them days.
  • ANN and SHEILA Thank you for your lind thoughts It would be wonderful tosee/hear that dear Roli intrudes somewhereagain where there is a cam before the end of the season.....and wouldn't it be wonderful if in a year or so we hear he has chicks of his own passing on B24's fiesty genes
  • I've noticed some great photo opportunities this morning but can't knuckle down to it yet, and now a kitchen stint is compulsory.  SYAL.

  • Oh, I do so agree with you Patily.  We just have to hope he is not shy and is seen again!

    Caveat, all times approximate

    ca 0730 Mrs G on the conifer in the misty morn.

    09.00 ish Aran landed on the nest, and a raven could be heard calling in the far distance.  He flew off and Mrs G was still on the pine top.  The cam left her and returned to the nest where Aran was busy moving sticks, then standing on the near rim keeping a look out.  There was a lot of to-ing and fro-ing until 10.00 when they were both spotted in the old oak tree near the nest

    There they remained until about just after 11.00, and only Mrs G was there.  She had a change of branch of two when about 12.00 Aran returned to the nest, and started moving sticks and nesting material.  He may have brought in a long stick.

    At about 12.55 Aran landed on the nest, followed quickly by Mrs G.  Aran appeared to be mantling, faux or intruder - I think the former?  

    Relaxed now

    13.02 Mrs G got up to the nest rim, and Aran mantled again, before she flew off towards the old oak tree, followed by Aran


    Mrs G flew

    followed by Aran

    Mrs G, you can't hide from us!  The oak to the immediate right of the nest

    ca 13.15 Aran returned to the perch, with Mrs G below in the oak

    She shows u better here

    I spotted a bird flying top right of the frame, and Mrs G took off immediately.  ca 13.30. Is that an osprey?

    If it was an intruder it was quickly banished as Mrs G landed on the perch.  Aran lifted up - Mrs G looked 'oh no, not again', but he flew back to the nest

    He took off again and this time did attempt to mate, to no avail.

    Mrs G flew off ca 13.36 dropping down to the left and flying round and up to the nearby oak tree.

    She flew off at some point.

    Aran returned at 14.16 with a whopper of a fish which he is eating on the large oak beyond the nest

    No sign of Mrs G  Perhaps, not to be out done, she is fishing!

    The scene now- as a helicopter flies down the valley, quite loudly

    © Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018