Hallo all.  Look back at Saturday for some lovely flower pix from Lindybird and more!


    Thank you for your card, Lynette. Dry here but chilly. Send us some of your heat, AQ!

  • Chilly here, also but a,brighter sky than yesterday ( so far)
    Thanks to all for your news, as usual, I have very little, unless you want to hear about the deep clean of the shower room ! OK, thought not...
    Yesterday passed without a hot cross bun here because I forgot to buy any! However my sis in law made two dozen and sent me a picture of them. Also, her brother 's wife made a batch and posted a pic on Facebook. I have achieved nothing worth photographing!
  • Calorie free buns then Heather, LOL!! :-)
  • Ha ha, LINDY !
    I'm tempted to buy a very fattening pudding for tomorrow. I rarely cook properly these days. My bubble family are cooking dinner here tomorrow, roast beef etc. I shall do all the veg prepping in the morning and then as usual, sit and chat with Katie and her Dad while my daughter bustles about the kitchen.
  • Happy Easter to you all

    Lovely day so we went to the canal. We saw 21 swans a'swimming and 5 flying, what a lovely sight and sound.
    We were nearly back at the cay when we passed a lady with a parrot on one shoulder and a cockatoo on the other!!! She told me they enjoyed a walk but there was no time to find out more as she wasn't happy with Benson being off the lead.
  • Another lovely sunny day - at least the change to cooler is quite slow this time. No news report - nothing done, or even attempted.

    Had a cheering message from Grand-Daughter-in-law #1 - The family will be renting a cottage for a week in July near Dumfries, so will see us! It is the week of their 10th wedding anniversary! How time flies
  • That will be nice, OG. And something to look forward to - there's not been much you can plan, lately.

    After the latest pronouncement from the Welsh Minister, it looks as if we can go to Wales from 12 April onwards, so we are now planning to leave here on 13th April, (Tuesday) after my OH has played golf that morning. He wants to stay there for quite a number of days, so we will have to see, and keep an eye on the weather forecast.

    This afternoon he rang his sister to see if he had left a green fleece jacket at her house, yesterday. He can't find it anywhere. In the end, he decided that as it was not there nor in the car, he must have taken it off at the allotment yesterday. After all the conversations, I came here into the study room where he usually hangs his jacket behind the door on a hook, and wondered why the door wasn't opening properly -- it was because there was a crumpled green jacket on the floor behind the door..... .... <sigh>
  • He's not alone, LINDY, sometimes I can't find my specs and then realise that I've got them on.
  • You reminded me to buy some hot cross buns today, Heather!

    Dibnlib, how gorgeous to see both the swans and the parrots :-)

    We've had a sunny afternoon, but I felt unaccountably tired which may have been as a result of my vaccine jab. I spent most of the afternoon half asleep in front of the TV in spite of the sun brightly lighting up all the beautiful blossoms in the garden.

    I sent some small bits of chocolate together with some pretty hair slides for the girls, to my grandchildren. The chocolate must have cost about 5 pounds altogether, but the postage came to over £7.80!

    I'm already packing for going to Wales and my clothes are on the spare bed but sadly, laying next to two bags of brightly wrapped Christmas presents, still to be given. Ho hum.

  • I'll be late starting the new thread tonight. Annette, if you want to start it, you can. Or I will do it later tonight. No worries either way. Have a good evening all.