Hallo all.  Look back at Saturday for some lovely flower pix from Lindybird and more!

  • HEATHER: My favorite aunt (who married one of my Dad's brothers) is from Mexico, and she came to Indiana via Texas. My Mom and Dad were very close to my uncle, my aunt and her sisters, so I grew up around Mexican culture and food. My favorites are Sopes (I like the red sauce, not the green) and Champurrado for dessert.Yum

  • OG my friend has been told that it may take a year for her to get a prosthetic. Hopefully this is worst case.
  • dibnlib: I hope your friend heals quickly and is able to get a prosthetic soon.
  • DIANE - I've googled them! And a!so how to pronounce the words :-)
  • Now I've got to google all those Mexican foods, too: we don't like too much chilli in anything, nor anything way too spicy, but I like something different now and then rather than fall into ruts of always eating the same things.

    Annette, I forgot to say that those trains you have there are pretty impressive - so enormous and such long distances they cover. Enjoyed your pics.

    Dibnlib: Pleased to hear that your friend is still in good spirits. She has a long haul ahead of her but I suspect that they need her leg to heal before she can get a prosthetic.

    Its a beautiful day here as promised, and today and tomorrow at least should be summer like. That will bring lots of the plants along and make some of their buds open. We sat in the garden for our early morning coffees (hot choc in my case) and surveyed the plants we have. When he had finished his drink, my OH went to get the spade as I had expressed a need to get rid of a few plants which had set themselves without our putting them in ourselves. Ten minutes later - big gaps in the flowerbeds! I'd better be careful what I say in future!

    OG - We have various tables in all sorts of sizes, including a round ornamental metal one which sits in the garden all year round and is just the right size for two for lunch. My OH always says we have way too much furniture so he will be only too pleased to get rid of some of it.

    I've had an invite to go for my 2nd jab on Friday.... very quick as its not 12 weeks yet since the first, more like 10, but I'm not putting it off! Sue said that her son who is mid forties like our "boys" has already had his first jab this week. They're very efficient round here.

    I hope everyone in UK can enjoy this kinder weather for a few days, although I do see that its not quite as blazing up in Scotland.

    ps  AQ  -  Sorry to see that we seem to have sent your lovely country our ghastly infectious variant. Hope it can be contained.

  • Friend let me know that she was on her way this morning as her transfer was delayed 24 hours. I got a message later on from her younger daughter to say they were all there to meet her on arrival. How lovely for them all to see her albeit briefly.
  • Me again – after a veg and cashew stir fry lunch made by J – very filling. Also been watching “Daily Pigeon” – just a feral pigeon who always visits at lunchtime and stays here over half an hour to an hour eating, looking around and occasionally dozing off sitting in the food tray.

    PAT – I have been heard to say similar and I am sure it will go down well in print. Glad you got good weather for a walk. Our weather has been a day behind this week, and is cooler than it has been, but still sunny and without wind, so it feels good – and no rain.

    LINDA – sounds like a good birthday yesterday for your OH. I thought his usual golf days were Tuesday and Thursday; has he been again today? I am sure the gaps in your garden will soon fill in! We too have also had invitations for our second vaccination – next Wednesday, unfortunately at our lunchtime, but I am sure we shan’t starve! Seem much better organised now – first one was phone call from GP surgery, this one is a letter from a Public Health Vaccine Administration Team, set up at the old hospital.

    AQ – I did really know what a Cobweb is – seen plenty in my time, though less now than when I was a child. I love them on the bushes outside when they are covered with droplets of morning dew in autumn – very pretty then and there, but not welcome indoors. I had an unwanted visitor on Sunday – a Slug sitting on my face flannel; you might imagine my scream! It had been a very windy night, so maybe had found a way in through one of the vents – uuuurrgh! Strange how pockets of Covid keep appearing in Oz is this Queensland’s first? Liked the thoughts for today.

    DIBNLIB – a long time for your friend to wait – but glad she had a family welcome at Raigmore.

    OH has been cleaning today, and now washing up as J stopped halfway through. J does almost all washing up and emptying dishwasher now – his choice. He has just about completed the changeover to the new epilepsy medication, and all seems well, but he says he will not attempt driving until September. He has an appointment at the eye clinic next month – with a real person!
  • LINDY Yes, when it is a trauma amputation rather than a planned one, everything takes much more time.

    Glad you have an appt for your 2nd jab, I have only recently had my 1st
  • OG Things seem to be progressing well for J....and that veg and cashew nuts sounds yummy.
  • Just popped back to send