Hallo all.  Look back at Saturday for some lovely flower pix from Lindybird and more!

  • HEATHER Thanks my friend is still upbeat and the move here can only help. Her daughters boyfriend is a nurse at Raigmore so may be able to pop in when he is working.

  • Hello.

    DIANE – wind was a little quieter last night, but still blowing today.

    AQ – I agree absolutely, and I certainly laughed but we must be sensitive to others in the church! I like the Seneca quote today. Glad you are feeling so much better, but what are cobwebs…?...! Glad you are getting some real autumn weather now after the summer which didn’t know when to stop!

    LINDA – Happy Birthday to your OH. I hope you got some sunshine to enjoy time outside with his Sister. Enjoy the Turkey dinner!

    DIBNLIB – it will be strange for your friend to be back in Inverness but no visitors. I thought they would keep her in Aberdeen until they had got her walking on a prosthetic – although I guess there is a lot of healing to take place. Glad she remains upbeat about her injury.

    HEATHER – I hope all the family are doing well now – and that you can enjoy your week looking forward to the Saturday Bubble.

    ANNETTE – I have to confess I don’t like Mexican food – can’t tolerate chillies at all.
  • OG - You are welcome to this one if you think it's appropriate. I'm using it ... but then, I was there!

    At our Zoom Synod last Saturday, one delegate put this into the Chat section:
    And the Word became digital and Zoomed among us.
    Virtual smiles all round! Thank goodness for people with a sense of humour - particularly during a long and rather tedious meeting! Having to vote digitally on nineteen motions takes a very long time.

    Beautiful day here - wall to wall sunshine all day, and so mild I went for a walk in a short sleeved shirt. More to come tomorrow, apparently. Hope it lasts into Wednesday.
  • Well, it's been a busy day! Got up early to see my OH off on his early game of golf - he just had time to open his cards before he went.

    I did h.work and laundry until 11.30, when his sister came with her little dog, to sit in the garden. As we got the garden chairs out, my OH returned and the sun came out too. We all sat and had coffees, with a big slice of the banana bread which Sue had brought, and watched the dogs play: they both got on well in spite of only having met briefly once before.

    After lunch of ham sandwiches, my OH and I managed another slice of banana bread......
  • We cooked the much mentioned turkey dinner, which was very much a Christmas dinner except I put broccoli instead of br. sprouts. Quite a feast, and my OH followed it with a plate of what he calls Spotted Dick made by Sue as a treat. I was too full. I had bought a chocolate & orange tart for pudding which we can eat tomorrow, although there is another turkey dinner left each, and also plenty of pud, too!!
  • Aneete - nice to see some pics of AZ and your part of the world.

    What was I thinking.  Fingers ran away with me on the wrong keys, Annette.

  • Diane - thanks for the live link for the volcano.

    Annette - never really tried all those different Mexico etc dishes but a favourite of mine is onion and tomatoes fried bound by cheese and on toast, gets you away from a meat dish for a change.

    Pat O - like that one about and the Word became digital and Zoomed among us. Reading in the paper the other day it was pointed out that churches may carry on with zooming services as there has been more of an uptake than in reality. Could this be the way forward to spread the Word.

    Better day today with sunshine most of the time, supposed to be getting warmer before getting colder for the Easter weekend.
  • I had to Google burrito. It looks like a Mexican flavoured wrap.

    Cobweb = dusty old spider web.

    Another covid outbreak in Brisbane. Seven community transmissions announced yesterday, 8 more today. All are the more infectious UK variant. Brisbane has a 3-day lockdown which has messed with Easter holiday plans to or from Queensland.

  • I hate women because they always know where things are. (Voltaire)

    Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife. (Groucho Marx)

    Relationships are a lot like algebra. Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?

  • AQ: I happened across a photo of my ex the other day. I did, indeed, wonder why. LOL So sorry about the new COVID outbreak in Australia. Stay safe.