Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 March 2021


I hope everyone has a joyful, safe, healthy week! 

  • Heather: That's such a shame. Can you cook and/or invite stepson over for his favorite (and leave the others at home!).
  • HEATHER – That is so unfair for your st-son. For goodness sake, it’s his birthday! When can he have a treat? I have often made 2 meals so that OH or a visitor can have what they like.

    Tulips do grow DownUnder but mostly interstate where the climate is more to their liking. The “putting in fridge for 6 weeks” is to fool the bulbs into thinking “time to sprout”. Now is planting time but I am not bothering to buy any more tulips bulbs – I found anenomes & daffys amongst the groceries and I shall stick with “tried & true”. And wait until the nights are cooler before burying them.

    Showers predicted tomorrow, hence I washed this morn. OH helped me rescue washing when a heavy shower arrived a day early. All hanging soggily in garage. It will dry eventually.

  • The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office. (Robert Frost)

    I have a responsible job. If anything goes wrong, I’m responsible (sign on office wall)

    Courtesy is treating other people as though they’re as important as they think they are.

  • Good Morning. A damp start today, after a windy night with sometimes rumbles of thunder. Our magnolias are opening, though, and the birds are chasing each other around the garden.

    A cleaning day again, so that we can enjoy the weekend. Have to pack up some tiny bits of chocolate to send to our grandchildren as doubt if we'll see them next week for Easter.

    AQ - I hardly ever have much success with tulips - much more temperamental than daffodils etc. Love your pretty anemones!
  • I couldn't write on here yesterday - our dear friend was moved back to the acute hospital on Tuesday evening and died yesterday afternoon. There were things to do, and I wrote a notice for the magazine and then had to find a respectful place for it in the just-finished magazine. Today it all feels quite unreal.

    Can't do much about replies except to remind HEATHER that our little Mouse friends are Woodmice, not fieldmice. Smaller. prettier, and more cute.

    Nice sunny weather today - there was probably some light rain before I got up. OH is shopping now and J has been busy in the kitchen. Will try to concentrate tomorrow.

  • OG; What a shame about your friend, especially after things looked to be improving....
  • OG So sorry to hear about your friend.

    HEATHER. I think your st son was hard done by. We had different meals last night. OH loves salmon fillet and I am not partial so he got what he preferred and I cobbled together a meal for myself. Not a problem any day. The person whose birthday it is always gets first choice whether eating at home or in a restaurant. It is OHs birthday on 1st July so hopefully we will be eating out by then.
  • OG -- I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. A shock, too, when he seemed to be on the mend.

    It's my OHs birthday on Monday, and he's elected to have the half a turkey which we put in the freezer at Christmas, which seems about a year ago now. At first he wanted leg of lamb, but has decided to have that the following weekend, on Easter Sunday.

    I prefer to eat out on my birthday, but if not possible, to have something easy to cook!!

    We looked after my late Friends dog this afternoon, as her OH went to have his 2nd jab not far from here - both he and my OH said it was quick and easy.
  • OG - Sorry to hear about your friend. {{{HUGS}}}
  • Sorry to hear the bad news of your friend, OG, especially as things seemed to be going well. Very upsetting news for you.

    OH and I sometimes have different meals, as he eats meat but I don't. As DIBNLIB says, it is easy to cobble together something for myself. I usually cook different food for guests (or did when we could still have visitors in the house). We always had a vegetarian option.

    OH had his second jab today. So far, only a sore arm. He said it was much more efficient this time.