Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 March 2021


I hope everyone has a safe, healthy, and joyful week!

  • Morning all: Snow here last night; not a lot, just enough to make things pretty. Things are supposed to warm up nicely for Ms. D's Mad Scientist Party tomorrow, which is allegedly much scaled back with just a few kids, but lots of experiments.

    OG: Hope things have settled down after J's money misadventures; banks typically cover those kinds of events for innocent parties.
  • Morning all: Snow here last night; not a lot, just enough to make things pretty. Things are supposed to warm up nicely for Ms. D's Mad Scientist Party tomorrow, which is allegedly much scaled back with just a few kids, but lots of experiments.

    OG: Hope things have settled down after J's money misadventures; banks typically cover those kinds of events for innocent parties.
  • Morning all: Snow here last night; not a lot, just enough to make things pretty. Things are supposed to warm up nicely for Ms. D's Mad Scientist Party tomorrow, which is allegedly much scaled back with just a few kids, but lots of experiments.

    OG: Hope things have settled down after J's money misadventures; banks typically cover those kinds of events for innocent parties.
  • Morning all: Snow here last night; not a lot, just enough to make things pretty. Things are supposed to warm up nicely for Ms. D's Mad Scientist Party tomorrow, which is allegedly much scaled back with just a few kids, but lots of experiments.

    OG: Hope things have settled down after J's money misadventures; banks typically cover those kinds of events for innocent parties.
  • Wow ANNETTE, and five times wow :-)
  • Unexpectedly had to go into town this afternoon as my specs frame had broken. Home 2 hours later with new frame and specs fixed....no charge. Needless to say I was ultra careful crossing the road.
  • Good service, Dibnlib. I keep two spare pairs of  (old) specs: one pair on the glove box of the car in case I break mine, as there's no way I could drive home if I broke them!!

    Annette, see you've done my trick of posting in a multi style :-) Gosh, snow!

    Heather, glad you're feeling better. I seem to have caught it from you, as I was under par this morning & I've given myself the day off, just dozing and reading the papers.

  • Thank you LINDA for smacking my wrist <grin>. I slept through the night, only waking once, turning over and dropping off again. When I woke this morn, it was dark (stupid daylight saving) and I was surprised to find nearly 7 am, not the expected 2 or 3 am. And HEATHER has had a good night too.

  • Hi, all. 

    Winter had one last punch for me as that big winter storm from the west passed through Indiana. Sunday night and Monday we had snow, ice, freezing rain, and sleet. The snow melted immediately because the ground was warm, but the ice covered the trees and the blizzard gales blew hard. I had to drag 3 fairly large downed pine tree limbs off of my driveway lane yesterday.  It's supposed to warm up nicely tomorrow, though, and then spring rains arrive.

    I'm now eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine, although the earliest available appointments are 3 weeks away. The scientists predict that the more deadly and more contagious British variant B.1.1.7 is due to become the dominant strain here by the end of March or early April. United Press article

    So, we are almost certainly facing a big surge soon, because many state government leaders are lifting all restrictions and completely opening up the country instead of waiting until more people are vaccinated. The politicians just want everyone back to work. Their only goal is ensuring that their billionaire and millionaire donors get richer. They don't care about the lives of our people. 

    Best to all of you. Glad you all are getting vaccinated. 

  • Annette - snow in California, have you had it before. I bet it looked pretty for a short while.

    Diane - wow, one last blast of winter for you but hopefully thaw will be quickly followed. That does sound reckless of the government to open up all round before vaccinations have really got under way. Do hope then that there won't be a surge in cases. Although they citisize our government over lockdown at least it seems to be working now. Its all very well saying in hindsight that this should be done or that should be done but no one knew how it would play out. At least we have a good proportion of the country having the vaccine or waiting to have it done. Just hope that the ethnicity peoples will go ahead instead of being afraid after all they need it more as they seem more prone to the illness. Only time will tell. Ooops, I have gone on!!