Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 March 2021


I hope everyone has a safe, healthy, and joyful week!

  • I'm glad all went well for J, OG.
    Also happy that ANNETTE arrived safe and sound after her lon g journey.
    Sorry not much to say, I'm feeling a bit ropey. It could be mild side effects of the second Pfizer injection or just that I'm desperately needing sleep! I'm feeling cold even though the house is warm and have no get up and go whatsoever !
    Thanks for all your news .
  • It does sound as if it could be the injection, Heather. Hope you can snuggle up in a blanket and keep warm, then maybe tomorrow will be better.

    Glad things went well for J, OG: but what a worry that money has gone from his account. Dreadful frauds seem to be on the rise these days. At least the bank sound sympathetic, and willing to sort it out. You must be pleased to get up to date with news from your daughter.

    Dibnlib: Thank for for news of your friends progress. It is so difficult for relatives these days, with not much visiting allowed in hospitals. She is surely in the best place possible, and I hope she will make a swift recovery but there will be a long road later in trying to overcome becoming disabled, poor woman.
  • OG: I'm sorry you had a hard evening, especially on Mothering Sunday. I'm glad J's MRI went well. I was happy to read that his money was restored to his account, but what a stressful mess. Sorry your granddaughter had to have surgeries. Hope you're doing okay and experiencing less pain. Take care, Ducky.

    Heather: Hope you feel better soon. Just curl up in your blankets and watch TV or read until you feel better. 

  • Hello all and thank you to Diane for starting us off again.

    Lots of news of one sort or another to read about.

    Dibnlib - so sorry to hear about your friend but at least she is being cared for in the right place and that her sister
    is being taken care of in 24/7 care. Hope mum with support from the family can cope as well. Thoughts are with you all.

    OG - pleased to hear J's MRI scan went well, do hope results are encouraging.

    AQ - Don't remember having chickenpox myself but was offered some time ago the shingles jab. Now although
    I don't do the flu jab I did accaept that one as I know it can be quite painful. Also surprised you haven't had your first jab yet but at least you will be doing soon for Covid.

    Heather - do hope you feel better soon. I had a reaction to my first Covid jab wherein I felt very hot, awful wind pain round my shoulders and felt out of sorts, lasted a couple of days and then OK. Hope your reaction , if it was, soon sorts itself out.
  • OG - pleased that J's money problems have sorted themselves out. OH has had something similar happen to him whereas he was rung up and said that somebody from California wanted a pay out. He answered the call and was on the phone for some time trying to sort it out, got fed up and rang off. He then got in touch with his bank and they said it was in all probability a scam and to ignore future calls like that. They said if they ever rang a note would be put on his account. We haven't had any calls since.
    J should have peace of mind now the bank has refunded and is dealing with the problem.
  • OG – So glad J is OK. Those machines can be distressing.

    HEATHER – I hope you feel better soon. Take DIANE’s advice and let everything wait.

    I expect to hear on our news of a wild party in Arizona!!!

    LYNETTE – Aussieland only began covid jabs for front-line workers 3 weeks ago as we did not need emergency use as did UK. With so few cases of covid, our authorities waited until they were satisfied it was safe & effective. Today we have 113 active cases across Aussieland, 43 of them in hospital, rest in medi-hotels. (Aussie population just over 25½ million.)

    Each day as I feel “better”, I do a little more. This morn I made a batch of cheese & bacon pinwheels for lunch and future meals. Now I have prepared the mince, onion, tomato & other leftover veggies to make two large pies that can be cut & stored as single or double serves in the freezer. I am resting now before I throw the mixture into pastry & bake.

    No reaction to the shingles jab; now I must convince OH that he should . . .

  • Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy. (Benjamin Franklin)

    Someone sent me an email about using vodka for cleaning around the house. . . It worked, the more vodka I drank, the cleaner the house looked.

    Wife to husband: I didn’t want to waste the good stuff, so I used the oldest bottle in your wine collection for the spaghetti sauce.

  • LOL! to those, AQ. Will pass them on.

    Rather grey and damp here first thing: nothing much on the cards today but plenty of h'work is always waiting.

    I hope Heather is recovering today, and will soon feel back to normal. AQ, you still sound as if you are impatient to get things over with, but I'm afraid you must give it time. It takes a lot of the stuffing out of you to have the treatments you had.

    Lynette, we take all phone calls with suspicion now, and are highly alert to there being so many scams. Take care.

    Hope that things are going well for Annette on her family trip.
  • Well, whatever it was has gone away, I had a good sleep and feel fine!
    The garden jobs are calling but although it's a fine day the wind is quite cold. I am definitely a fair weather gardener.
    AQ - it must feel so good to be able to do more but take it steady !
  • Morning all: Snow here last night; not a lot, just enough to make things pretty. Things are supposed to warm up nicely for Ms. D's Mad Scientist Party tomorrow, which is allegedly much scaled back with just a few kids, but lots of experiments.

    OG: Hope things have settled down after J's money misadventures; banks typically cover those kinds of events for innocent parties.