Until the webcam is up and running and we go back to Daily Updates on the Nest, this thread is for posting any information about LOCH GARTEN. 

Fergus has written a new blog with details of when the Centre will be opening - May 1st.  


  • Not wanting to dash hopes, but facing up to reality, no bird on the nest for over 4 hours with no evidence of nest building, fish delivery or mate guarding does not bode well for a new pair bonding and breeding this season.

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Let's hope we'll have a full day tomorrow full of ospreys, CRINGER Grin

    WendyBartter said:
    Is there now Scylla ... sneaked it back whilst you were otherwise occupied!

     I kinda found it - thank you Peter! Hugging

  • scylla said:

    Let's hope we'll have a full day tomorrow full of ospreys, CRINGER

    If there is 1 thing I have learned about Ospreys it is that many do not appear to have 'read the books' written about Ospreys and their behaviour and they never cease to amaze me. The signs are not good - but I so dearly want to be proved wrong, and, tonight I will dream of a full day tomorrow - not full of Ospreys., but 2 - each of the oppsite sex. No work tomorrow, so no need to get up early, but I may just set the alarm for 5 in the morning to catch whatever action happens on the nest at dawn. Often the most productive part of the day so far as 'Osprey watching' is concerned in my experience. 

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • 10 minutes on the nest this evening - a pair of Coal Tits.  Don't bother to watch unless you want to tell me my ID is wrong ;)  We needed the cam to zoom in, my crop just emphasises the graininess.

  • Correctamento scylla! Ospreys tomorrow please

  • Well Scylla, what can I say.

    You issued then challenge and you were 100% right. A lovely pair of Coal tits.

    Richard B

  • scylla said:

    My crop just emphasises the graininess.

    My first language is English, I speak reasonable French, passable Spanish, but flounder with 'technospeak'. 

    Tonight I have struggled with Scylla's buffering.

    Then marvelled at her ability to stop a stream.

    When I am faced with Scylla's reference to her crop there is only 1 answer - 'Boing, Zebedee - time for bed!'

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Just see your post SCYLLA Have been sitting here for 5mins willing it to open Alas, just the whirly wheel
  • patily said:
    Have been sitting here for 5mins willing it to open Alas, just the whirly wheel

    (The RF isn't posting for me so this is in the plain text reply.)

    I expected to see CRINGER expressing his disappointment, he was due to be on watch from 05:00

    Sorry, CRinger I'm really frustrated for you. I'm hoping to go back to sleep after a very uncomfortable night, I just popped in to check whether the cam had come back to life so I could resume downloading, but no such luck.