Inspired by Janni, who cleverly noted the cam was up and running on 1 March, and filled with hope for this nest for 2021, here's the new thread!
Link to 2020 thread
In 2017, her first breeding season. Clarach (hatched Dyfi in 2013) mated with an unknown male, laying 3 eggs. The third chick hatched/died 15th June, the other two on 12th and 13th June. Male LHO took his first flight 4th August, Male LH1 9th August. Clarach departed 1st September, LHO 3rd, LH1 12th September.
Clarach came back in 2018 but sadly lost her eggs to ravens. In 2019, she returned on 10 April, and partnered first with White CL, a 2008 bird hatched at Loch Lomond. He disappeared and was replaced by an unringed male on 3 May, and Clarach was seen to be incubating by 6 May (who was the daddy...?!). But she'd abandoned the nest by the end of May and Dyfi posted that her eggs had been predated. It was difficult to keep up with the nest as the webcam failed but FLS posted updates on their Facebook page. Staff thought the male hadn't been providing her with fish on the nest, as he had another nest to provision! In 2020, hope was raised when a few ospreys dropped by in April and May, including White CL, at one point on the nest with an unringed female. The Lodge Facebook page posted a great photo by Sami in April which was thought to be Clarach. After that, lots of osprey-less photos were posted comparing the rise and fall of the webcam, the state of the sticks on the nest, the sinkage of the nest (great word Mary) and the weather.
Let's see what happens this year!
The webcam is live at the moment so it is still worth checking out from time to time. Oh and... no ospreys present at the moment!Edit: I have just noticed that the webcam clock is 16 minutes behind real time but the date is correct.
Thanks for the heads up Janni.
Here is a quick shot of the nest atm
© FLS / Aberfoyle
Richard B
Janni said:The webcam is live at the moment
I got a half-hour from 10:00 and then nearly 6 hours up to 16:42 (cam time), no-one seen.
Almost the whole day from 10:00 to 17:00, with a break halfway thru.
This early-morning Raven(?) was ghostlike in the mist and hardly shows up at all in a still picture, I've used 3 different programs to try to improve it:
A Chaffie collecting nest material later:
Thank You for your efforts with this nest SCYLLA
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
The cam is working today - a screenshot for record purposes and checking for any sinkage problems
It isn't the sharpest of pictures, but the colours just don't look right for a Chaffinch, especially the wing colouring. The fact the beak is full of food makes it tricky, but the colouring looks a lot like a Crossbill to me, especially with the white bit at the top of the bill.
Unknown said:the colouring looks a lot like a Crossbill to me
I thought that the colouring was just "off" because of the cam - a Crossbill would be a thrill, a first for me
As Mary has observed, the cam is going today but no-one yet seen on the nest.