• 19:02 NC0 subtly fish calling while looking across to the other side if the Loch. I wonder if Laddie is over in that area with her supper?


  • 1930 ish, Laddie brings in a fish and hands it over without any argurment. After a few minutes NCO leaves and Laddie turns to nestorizing..

    Richard B

  • Excellent! Thanks Richard :)
  • Unknown said:

    1930 ish, Laddie brings in a fish and hands it over without any argurment. After a few minutes NCO leaves and Laddie turns to nestorizing..

    I was hoping to supply a snap but it was blurred on the way in (a well-headlessed fish) and on her way out NC0 took nest material, disguising it Smile

    Here are some bits, they'll be in the wrong order and I hope no dupes.

    This is a must-watch - will NC0 turn into a force to be reckoned with?  She fetched this big stick without drawing a breath:

    And again!

    Good matings (please take my word for it), of which there were more among the rebuffs or incompetencies:

    As you all have observed, NC0 has been very nesty today:

  • SCYLLA your vid of NCO bringing that big stick is perfect Wecan see her leave the nest on the R side, follow her flying away into the distance and follow her again bringing the stick in.
    Is it safe to say yet that she has definitely reclaim this nest?
    Can't see clearly whether its Laddie or NCO nest-cupping
  • It was NC0 nestcupping, Patily. I agree, Scylla's video was perfect!

    NC0 flew off over in the direction of the dead birch. Shortly after, Laddie came to the nest with a fish, waited awhile before leaving. NC0 made a beautiful flight back to the nest (from behind the dead birch) with a thick stick (pics below)

  • That's intersesting I think it was Laddie (?) on the nest who then flew off towards the trees on the left who was followed by another coming from the bottom of thepicture
    He thenflies back towards the nest andthebird shadowing himflies back and disappears into bottom of pic Laddie brings bedding to the nest but flies off shortly afterwards with the bedding....accidently or delibertely I couldn't tell He flies into the trees on the left and again his "shadow" follows him and they have an osprey conversation They have now btought a largishstick to the nest and standing gazing at the loch
  • Morning Patily, Pics from my post above

    Laddie with a fish delivery

    NC0 inbound with her thick stick
