Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 February 2021

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  • Good morning. I've slept in after going to bed way too late which I knew I might regret today. However, slept like a log.

    Dry outside so hoping for a calm weekend, before more changeable weather next week. Have a good weekend, Everyone.
  • Eldest daughter and Katie have just left. A good shopping trip and nice lunch here followed by a discussion ( who started it ?!) about Wills, mortgages, family trusts and Power of Attorney !
  • Heather, when you wrote you'd had discussions about Wills, I naturally thought that you meant the Duke of Cambridge, LOL!!
  • Today is an Anniversary!!! !!!

    It's the 6th March, and so its now a whole full year since I last had my hair cut!! Then, it was not much longer than my OH has his, except for a bit of shaping around the back, and two decorative long sideburns. Now it's shoulder length. My sis in law says she wants to know what I eat to make it grow so fast!
  • That would drive me nuts LINDY. I like mine kept short otherwise I look like I have been dragged though a hedge backwards!

    I mentioned the twins birthday in a recent post. They have had a bit of beetle trouble (as in the car) and OH lent them jump leads. Abi came round a wee while ago with some birthday cake and it was as good as it looked.
  • Dibnlib: it's only bearable, having so much hair, as I have been wearing a hairband followed by clipping it back with lots of hairclips and pins, and more recently, a small ponytail! Not had a ponytail since my children were small and I couldn't afford a hair cut! 40 years ago.
  • Got up earlier today - very hard work for EE and myself but we had decided it would be better for my breathing!

    Some paperwork acomplished during the afternoon. We were watching Mouse this morning. OH said "there's a second one" and he barely finished before I said "And a third"! They obviously all knew each other (no fighting or aggravation) and seemed to be having fun as well as enjoying their food.
  • DIANE, Thank you for the explanation of pecan pie, and the website for 71 different recipes! I have looked at some of them (so far). I don't think that I will be making any of them, but would certainly partake of a slice, should one come my way.
  • HEATHER, I also thought you meant the Duke of Cambridge. Dukes and Duchesses are very much in the news at the moment!

    Nice that the twins gave you some birthday cake, DIBNLIB. Also that your OH could help with the "beetle trouble"

    I have a hair appointment for next month. The hairdresser was very quick off the mark in phoning his clients to make appointments. Fortunately it is local for me, and a lot of neighbours go to the same place. As I have said before, I am not a pretty sight at the moment!

    OG, You seem to have quite a mouse family in your garden. There is obviously food for all.
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