Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 February 2021

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  • PatO:  And here's a very belated birthday wish.

    Lindybird:  Re technology, our fax machine caused the problems in our house today (well, one of the problems). Congrats on at least accomplishing a milk and mushroom outing.

    AQ:  I'm still trying to get my head around 'binary' vs.' nonbinary.' and if either apply to me.  I'm not even sure about 'female' anymore.  :-)    I read something the other day about a pop star who was going to start using 'them' or something like that because it was less gender specific than 'he' or 'she'.  Oh God, where's the wine.....

    Hallo to all....

  • DIANE – Earthquake news here was pretty much ordinary. It would have to be a mighty wave to sneak up the gulf to Adelaide & probably would wash away Kangaroo Island on the way!!! News of a new piece of Antarctica ice shelf broken away, 1270 sq km.

    Feeling ever so slightly fitter, I took camera to city. I snapped first two on list, but the third building was obscured even more than last visit by a new marquee filled with coffee drinkers. Haven’t they got work to go to? I tramped to shop with particular brand of a camomile tea I like. Back at bus stop at 11 am, I felt like having a toddler tantrum, I was so tired. Home for lunch & nanny nap. Another day passes. I’m not sure I believe today’s quote. . .

    Just a thought

    Because you are alive, everything is possible. (Thich Nhat Hanh)

  • Unknown said:
    I'm not even sure about 'female' anymore.

    If it helps, Annette, I'm satisfied that I'm absolutely female - and so is Limpy.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thank you, Diane :)
  • Thank you for belated birthday greetings. I did manage to make the 'day' stretch to three days, with post and telephone calls. I do try to ignore the passing years, but it's fun to celebrate in what could be dark days. And yes, I also am satisfied to be absolutely female. No idea what 'binary', in that context, actually means ... does it mean you can choose which public loo you use???
  • LYNETTE As well as marmite HCBs M&S also do cheese and chilli as well though they were out of stock on Monday.....they also do blueberry, apple and a few others.

    Must try and catch up properly but priority is to take Benson to the canal as it is a lovely morning if a tad on the cold side.
  • HEATHER Do hope your daughter recovers quickly......it has obviously been very nasty.

    PAT Belated Happy Birthday. Twins who live nearby were 19 yesterday so I popped a card through the letter box. Mum posted pic of their cakes (one each) boy did they look yummy.
  • Clare - I read "I'm satisfied that I'm absolutely female - and so is Limpy." as Limpy is female also Joy

    Morning all from a chilly Suffolk. Highest temp for the weekend is 6 degrees so will wrap up for my stomp along the beach at Sizewell.

    I am doing flexi-furlough for this month - 2 days a week one in office. most of us have had our first vaccine and I carefully wipe all door handles and my workstation before starting.

    Not a lot else to report I'm afraid so stay safe and well all and keep all the posts coming.

  • Belated birthday wishes, PAT !
    CLARE - great news,that you have had your vaccine.
    OG - I don't blame you for hanging on to the new dose of painkillers! I've got visions of EE pulling the duvet off you , as I was tempted to do at times when the children were young..I'm only joking, of course.
    ANNETTE - I honestly didn't know that fax machines were still available ! As for the binary stuff and total political correctness, give me strength
    DIBLIB - I looked and looked at the Marmite HCBs but although I love Marmite I couldn't bring myself to buy them. Not yet, anyway!
    LINDY - how I wish that OH and I had followed through and booked the Hurtigruten cruise of Norwegian coast. We dillied and dallied and never did it.
    AQ - good that you got out but sorry that it didn't go quite to plan.

    Middle daughter is much better, thank you. She's taking steroid tablets for the asthma and continuing with the ABs for chest infection.
  • Unknown said:
    Clare - I read "I'm satisfied that I'm absolutely female - and so is Limpy." as Limpy is female also

    I am definitely not female.  Clare certainly is.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

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