Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 February 2021

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  • Diane:  Well that Paramount channels is worth it if only for the Frasier reruns.  

    AQ: Wow. that's some history re the ship - and brought to Oz on a cargo ship yet (apparently it was shrink-wrapped or similar for the ride). I was wondering what a 'tea' clipper was.  Apparently they were built to carry just that from Java and then China and there was even a Great Tea Race in 1866.  Also Googled City of Adelaide and chose 'images'  - it's always interesting to see how it looked in its somewhat better days.   I bet the volunteers will be holding lots of fundraising events; that looks like a very long job....    

  • Annette: They are reviving the Frasier series. Kelsey Grammar is coming back to carry on the story, and they are making new episodes. I don't know whether the other actors are also in the new reboot.

  • Diane: Interesting. Wonder what the angle will be and if we might see anyone from the original cast.
  • Good Morning. March!!! Hooray! the grim months of January and February are at last behind us. The sun is bright through the window here with promise of another pleasant day

    Annette, we saw the news of a possible return of Frasier with dismay: we have loved the series and watched every episode many times over. But if you see photos of the cast now, it would not seem possible to redo any of it in a credible way. They should just leave it alone.

    Dibnlib: I hope Benson and both of you, too, enjoyed his birthday. It was lovely weather.

    OG: Good to hear from you and I hope you continue to improve.
  • Hello all
    Middle daughter has been unwell all weekend. She is asthmatic and has been coughing constantly and feels awful . GP has prescribed steroids etc but also wants her to have a covid test ( not lateral flow). She has no way of getting to the testing centre so they are posting a test kit out to her. She has LF tests at home because of her job in schools, but GP wants a PCR test. Wait and see....
  • LYNETTE Thank you, Benson had a lovely day.
  • LINDY OG Benson had a good birthday thank you. A trip in the car is all he asks for....as well as porridge of course!!

    HEATHER Sorry to hear your daughter is so poorly. Hope she is better soon.
  •  Benson looks as if he is in a prison, but no he is half way upstairs.  This is a great viewpoint for checking us going out of the living room or into the kitchen.  He usually positions himself there about 45 mins before supper time.

    This is a 2 week old badger found in Inverness and now being looked after in a rescue centre.  How cute he is.

  • Aw!! to both pictures, Dibnlib.

    Heather, you must be worried about your daughter, do hope that they can find out why she is feeling so unwell.
  • Hello! Got up early; rather unwell in the morning; better since. Other two are both fine. Lovely weather again – lucky enough not to get the morning mists. Mouse has started coming out at feeding time to make sure we know; never known a mouse to do this before!

    DIANE – pleased you can make financial decisions now!

    AQ – I nearly asked if you would take photos of “City of Adelaide”, but thought it would be too cheeky. So glad you posted her photo and the news about her – pleased to see work is progressing! She looks so much better just by being cared for!

    LINDA – good to “hear” your exuberance for 1st March! The garden looks more like spring every day, especially since EE has been tidying so much.

    HEATHER – I do hope your middle daughter doesn’t have Covid, and that the steroids will help her chest – she is under so much stress all the time, she needs to be well.

    DIBNLIB – glad you enjoyed Benson’s birthday – and nice to have a birthday photo in his look-out on the stairs. I saw the baby badger story in the news – amazing that it could be rescued but got a long way to go.

    Podiatry tomorrow – visit is allowed for health reasons. Haircuts not allowed, so I am again wearing my “lockdown locks”!
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